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词汇 Banks
例句 Banks and credit-card companies have been accused of gouging their customers.银行和信用卡公司被指控向客户漫天要价。Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy.班克斯在皇家海军服过兵役。It says a lot for Banks that he decided to finish the race even though he had no hope of winning.班克斯虽然获胜无望,但还是决定完成赛事,这足以说明他的毅力。Banks and businesses are quickly reviving business activities in China.各家银行和公司正快速恢复其在中国的业务活动。Banks are under attack for their refusal to reduce interest rates on loans to small businesses.银行因拒绝降低小型企业的贷款利率而受到攻击。I'm sorry, Mr Banks isn't here right now. Would you like to leave a message?很抱歉,班克斯先生现在不在这里。你想留个口信吗?Banks often offer their employees cheap mortgages.银行经常给员工提供低息按揭贷款。Banks of electronic equipment burst into life.一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。Banks seem to spend a lot of time dreaming up ways to get more money from their customers.银行似乎花了许多时间来想办法从客户那里赚取更多的钱。Banks have brought trouble on themselves by lending rashly.银行滥放贷款给自己惹来了麻烦。Banks and building societies were yesterday accused of monumental incompetence.银行和购房互助协会昨天被指责极其不称职。Mr Banks gave a short talk about his travels in Africa.班克斯先生简短地谈了一下他的非洲之旅的情况。Banks have been slow to increase their lending at year end.在财政年底,银行增加贷款的速度很慢。Banks are ratcheting up interest rates.银行正在逐步小幅提升利率。Banks refused to extend more credit.银行拒绝提高信用额度。Banks add all the interest and other charges together.银行合计所有利息和其他费用。Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business.各家银行和建房互助协会在为赢得生意而激烈竞争。Banks and shops closed yesterday amid growing fears of terrorist violence.银行和商店昨天在对恐怖暴力不断加剧的惶恐中关门了。Banks must get up to speed on cheque clearing.银行必须加快支票结算速度。Banks closed on Friday afternoon and did not open again until Monday morning.银行星期五下午关门,直到星期一上午才营业。Banks need to take on board the views of their customers.银行需要理解客户的想法。Banks often have very short opening hours.银行的营业时间通常很短。Banks are competing with each other in the property market.银行之间正在房地产市场方面相互竞争。Banks were stress tested and are now overcapitalized to allow for defaults.银行接受了压力试验,现在有过量资金以应付坏账。Banks will have to continue competing aggressively for what quality business is around.各家银行将不得不继续为可能争取到的任何优质业务展开激烈竞争。Banks will lose millions of pounds because of new legislation.银行将因新法规的实施而亏损数百万英镑。Banks are charging high interest rates.银行收取的利率很高。Banks should be supporting small private businesses.银行应该支持小型私营企业。Banks may import currency without limit.银行可以无限制地进口货币。Banks are venturing into insurance.银行开始涉足保险业。Banks will seek to minimize their exposure to risk.银行会试图将他们面临的风险最小化。Banks had increased scope to develop new financial products.各家银行都扩大了经营范围,开发新的金融产品。Banks have faced soaring costs for funding new mortgages.银行不得不面对注资新按揭的成本不断上升。Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients.在与顾客打交道方面,银行的保守是出了名的。Banks, he said, had been overeager to give out loans.他说,银行发放贷款过热。Banks are muscling in on the insurance business.银行在插手保险生意。Banks played a square ball.班克斯踢出一脚横传。Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers.银行往往建得看上去很坚固,好让顾客放心。Banks are installing surveillance cameras to prevent robberies.银行正在安装监视摄像机以防止抢劫。Tyra Banks wore a bikini made out of toilet paper.泰拉·班克斯穿着用卫生纸做的比基尼装。




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