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That practice was soon banned as sacrilegious.那种做法被认为亵渎神圣而随即遭禁。They banned him from entering the building. = He was banned from entering the building.他们禁止他进入这栋楼。My own personal view is that boxing should be banned.我个人的看法是拳击运动应该被禁止。Can you imagine the uproar if alcohol was banned?如果禁酒,你能想象会有怎样的怨愤吗?Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday…每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。The Supreme Court banned the holding of a referendum.最高法院禁止举行全民公决。I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.我认为应该全面禁止香烟广告。He banned political parties and crushed dissent.他取缔政党,压制不同意见。The new government banned books, seized passports, expelled foreigners, and legalized detention without trial.新政府上台后开始禁书、没收护照、驱逐外国人,并将未经审讯实行监禁的做法合法化。Swimming is banned in this lake.这个湖里不准游泳。He has persistently denied ever taking banned substances.他一直否认曾服用过禁药。In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.政府颁布紧急命令,禁止一切集会活动。She was banned from the team because of drug use.她因吸毒被取消了队员资格。The city has banned smoking in all public buildings.全市所有公共建筑内已禁烟。Smoking is banned in the building.大楼内禁止吸烟。The film was banned as a result of protests by the Viewers Association and other so-called guardians of public morality.由于观众协会和其他所谓公共道德的卫道士提出抗议,这部影片被禁止上映。Political parties are banned, and harassment of dissidents is commonplace.政党被取缔,而持不同政见者受到骚扰也是司空见惯的事。The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.该运动员坚持说他只是服用了感冒药而不是什么禁药。The upshot was that he was banned from driving.结果是他被禁止开车。The new government banned strikes.新政府禁止罢工。Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.一些化学品因对环境有破坏作用已被禁止使用。The Board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws.委员会决定禁播这部电影,理由是它触犯了刑事诽谤法。She was banned from driving for 6 months.她被罚禁止驾车六个月。Leaders of the banned trade union were arrested last night.被禁工会的领导昨晚被捕了。Many doctors now say that boxing should be banned.现在许多医生都说拳击应被禁止。Hardy was permanently banned from professional figure skating.哈迪被终生禁止参加职业花样滑冰比赛。The players were banned from the league for being overage.这些运动员因超龄而被禁止参加运动员联合会。He tested positive for a banned substance and was stripped of his medal.他违禁药物检测呈阳性,于是奖牌被剥夺。Mechanically separated meat made from cattle and sheep has now been banned.现在机械分割的牛羊肉已被禁止食用。The use of soluble chemical fertilizers is banned, as they seep into rivers and pollute the water supply.可溶性化肥是禁用的,因为它们会渗入河流污染水源。He is banned from entering the US.他被禁止入境美国。The school banned corporal punishment many years ago.这所学校许多年前就禁止了体罚。The school banned that book for many years.学校查禁那本书好多年了。He will be banned from international competition for four years.他会被禁赛四年,期间不得参加国际比赛。Riots erupted in the capital after police banned two anti-government demonstrations.警方禁止两起反政府示威游行后,首都爆发了骚乱。The new government has banned all political parties.新政府取缔了所有的政治党派。New airline regulations banned scissors in carry-on bags.新的航空管理条例禁止在随身行李中携带剪刀。The New York City Department of Health banned the domestication of wild animals such as iguanas.纽约公共卫生部门禁止人工饲养鬣蜥等野生动物。He was banned from driving.他被禁止驾车。Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.该市私家车限隔日出行。 |