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词汇 靠着
例句 Many of the peasants survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.许多农民靠着小片地上种的玉米和豆子勉强维持生计。He leaned sideways and was violently sick.他侧靠着身子,恶心得厉害。On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.在坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车,靠着惯性一路疾冲下山。She leaned on the box and pushed it aside.靠着箱子,把它推到了一边。The nurse saw him falter and made him lean on her.护士见他站不稳,就让他靠着她。He's managed to get as far as he has through slick talking and trickery.靠着花言巧语和耍花招,他终于把想要的弄到了手。The inner surface of the peritoneum is slippery and allows the intestines to move against the wall of the abdomen.腹膜内侧是滑的,可以让肠道靠着腹壁蠕动。He makes his living in a perfectly respectable trade.靠着一份非常体面的职业维持生计。Snow had piled up against the walls of the house.靠着房子的墙堆积起来。Can it be moral to make so much money out of a commodity which is essential to life?靠着一种生活必需品赚这么多钱,这在道德上说得过去吗?He was sitting upright in his hospital bed, propped up by pillows.靠着枕头,直挺挺地坐在医院的病床上。Conrad used to dine out on his popularity as a musician.康拉德过去常靠着他音乐家的声望被邀赴宴。There are too many families struggling to survive on low incomes.有太多的家庭正靠着低微的收入艰难地生活。She's scraping along on just a few hundred dollars a month.靠着一个月几百美元勉强度日。He will have to make do with his take from the night school.他只好靠着教夜校的收入将就度日。Along each wall stretched green metal filing cabinets.绿色金属文件柜靠着各面墙依次排开。With his spear of ash Gungnir and his marvellous ring Draupnir he ruled Asgard.靠着他神树灰制成的长枪冈尼尔和神戒德罗普尼尔,他统治着阿斯加德。Stand the bookcase against the far wall.把书架靠着对面的墙壁放。He lived a life of leisure on a good income.靠着可观的收入过着悠闲自在的生活。The building was converted into flats with the aid of an urban development grant.靠着一笔城市发展拨款的帮助,这幢大楼被改建成了公寓房。Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp-post and padlocked it.埃迪把他的自行车靠着灯柱停放,并用挂锁锁好。She survived in the wilderness by eating berries and trapping small animals and birds.靠着吃浆果和设陷阱捕捉小动物和鸟,在野外活了下来。Grandpa likes to sit in the comfy chair beside the fire.爷爷喜欢靠着火炉,坐在舒适的椅子里。He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company.他和一位合伙人靠着自己的力量创建了一家成功的时装公司。Suddenly, by a brilliant political manoeuvre, he reversed the situation.突然之间,他靠着出色的政治手段扭转了局面。She stacked the wood up against the fence.她把木材靠着篱笆堆起来。Eliot felt no compunction about living at the expense of his friends.埃利奥特靠着朋友生活,心里毫无愧意。His resilience saw him through.靠着一股韧劲儿挺了过来。Can you stop leaning on me please? My arm's gone to sleep.请别再靠着我好吗?我手臂已经麻木了。He achieved success through dogged persistence.靠着坚持不懈取得了成功。Her baby was resting against her ample bosom.她的宝宝靠着她丰满的胸部。By dint of hard work and persistence, she had got the job of manager.靠着勤奋和毅力,她争取到了经理的职位。John took one child into the crook of each arm and let them nestle against him.约翰一只臂弯搂着一个孩子,让他们舒服地靠着他。The gym teachers lined us up against the cement walls.体育老师让我们靠着水泥墙排好。You can lean on me if you get tired.如果累了,你可以靠着我。The snow drifted against the garage.靠着车库堆积起来。Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?你是头一靠着枕头就能入睡呢,还是要翻来覆去好几个小时才能睡着?It was only by the grace of God that the village remained largely unspoiled.靠着上帝的恩典,这个村子的大部分才未遭到破坏。They huddled up to the pets and the warmth of the dogs' bodies stopped them freezing to death.他们紧紧地靠着宠物,这些狗的体温使他们不至于冻死。Burke was asleep, sprawled obliviously against the window.伯克不知不觉摊开四肢靠着窗户睡着了。




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