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When Sir George finished his speech there was a moment's silence.乔治爵士演说完了之后,出现了片刻的静默。Cistercian monks and nuns take a vow of silence.西多会的修士和修女们要发誓静默。The troops maintained a strict radio silence while they moved into position.部队进入阵地时保持严格的无线电静默。You will now maintain radio silence.现在请保持无线电静默。Radio silence may be imposed on other stations during a distress call.在收到求救信号后,其他电台被要求保持电波静默。In the tense silence that followed, the boys fidgeted uneasily.接下来是一阵令人紧张的静默,男孩们都坐立不安。Placards carried in the silent demonstration included one accusing the prime minister of appeasement.静默的示威队伍中有人举着一块标语牌,上面的内容是指责首相采取绥靖政策。Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.那种静默给琼留下了深刻的印象。They were silent as the grave.他们静默著,一言不发。He texted me every day for a week, and then: radio silence.他每天向我发短信,这样保持了一周,然后就是静默了。The soldier had broken radio silence to contact his aircraft.士兵打破了无线电静默,发信号给他的飞机。They held a two-minute silence as a gesture of support for the victims.他们静默两分钟,以示对受害者的支持。 |