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词汇 threat
例句 There is no threat to public health from this paint.这种涂料不会对公众健康造成威胁。He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。The threat contrasted starkly with his administration's previous muted criticism.这一威胁和他这届政府之前低调的指责形成了鲜明的对比。The threat of nuclear war has diminished.核战争的威胁已经减小了。He perceived the question as a threat to his authority.他认为这个问题对他的权威构成了威胁。There is a very real threat that he will lose his job.他的确有失去工作的危险。The French threat was the most immediate and damaging.来自法国的威胁最为紧迫,也最具危害性。The threat of legal action will be enough to put the wind up them.用采取法律行动来威胁足够让他们害怕了。I never thought you would carry out your threat.我从未想过你会把威胁付诸行动。The king knew that there was a threat of revolution.国王得知有人要造反。Pollution poses a threat to fish.污染对鱼类构成威胁。Short-range missiles in Asia do not pose a direct threat to the U.S.亚洲的短程导弹不对美国构成直接威胁。A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers.持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。The new laws on tax present a threat for small businesses.关于税收的新法律对小企业构成了威胁。Some of these old people are imprisoned in their own homes by the threat of violence on the streets.这些老人中,有的因为受到街头暴力的威胁就把自己关在家里,足不出户。At first the government played down the threat to public health.起初政府试图将对公众健康的威胁轻描淡写。This was regarded by the Government as a possible threat to national security.政府认为这对国家安全可能构成威胁。Make no mistake, this is the most serious threat our industry has ever seen.不要搞错,这是我们行业所遇到过的最严重的威胁。The threat of expulsion was enough to frighten the girls into improving their behaviour.学校威胁要开除足以令这些女孩端正行为。The Social Democrats could still carry out their threat to leave the government.社会民主党人仍有可能将其退出政府的威胁付诸实施。Counterterrorism experts concede that the threat is real.反恐专家承认威胁是真实的。The threat of full-scale war has not been averted.还不能排除爆发全面战争的可能性。The country is a great/major/serious threat to world peace.这个国家是世界和平的巨大/主要/严重威胁。Someone called in a bomb threat , so the building was evacuated.有人发出炸弹恐吓信息,所以大楼里的人都被疏散了。Weapons of this type are a threat to the survival of humanity.这类武器对人类生存构成了威胁。These results highlight the growing threat posed by this infection.这些结果凸显了这种传染病日益增长的威胁。She is not viewed as a threat by her former employer.她以前的老板认为她不会对自己构成威胁。After the bomb threat, it was considered too much of a security risk to let the races go ahead.发生炸弹恐吓后,都认为比赛继续进行下去安全风险太大。Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life.原油泄漏对海洋生物构成严重的威胁。They feel under permanent threat.他们感觉受到了接连不断的威胁。His words implied a threat.他的话里暗含威胁。He was seen as a threat to the established order.他被看作是对已有秩序的威胁。This threat always lurks somewhere in the background.这一威胁总是潜藏在某个看不见的地方。Tuberculosis is a common threat when people live in crowded conditions.肺结核对居住在拥挤环境中的人是一种常见的威胁。There could be a threat to life and limb in the fight.战斗中生命可能受到威胁。He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada.他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理魁北克威胁要从加拿大分裂出去一事。He carried out his threat. 他把他的威胁付诸行动。Police evacuated hotel guests after staff received a bomb threat.员工收到炸弹恐吓以后,警方疏散了酒店客人。The rise in crime constitutes a threat to society.犯罪率上升对社会构成威胁。Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.一些夫妻认为单身女性会对他们的关系造成威胁。




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