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例句 He doesn't have a ground plan - he just makes decisions as the need arises.他做事没有计划,只是什么时候需要了才临时作决定。The project requires huge investment, so it's a very brave venture in the current economic climate.这个项目需要巨额投资,所以在当前的经济形势下是个非常勇敢的尝试。Some people need a refresher on how to be polite.有些人需要别人提醒如何注意礼貌。The existing library is totally inappropriate to our needs.现有的图书馆完全不能满足我们的需要Patrick needs to use specially adapted computer equipment.帕特里克需要使用专门改装过的计算机设备。We need a name that fits our image.我们需要一个适合我们形象的名称。Listen, we really need to submit our insurance claim this weekend.听着,我们确实需要在本周末解决我们的保险索赔问题。You need to make changes in your diet incrementally.需要逐步改变你的日常饮食。On the bus trip he had to change twice.此次公共汽车之旅他中途需要换乘两次。Somehow, someway, they need to win this game.不管怎样他们都需要赢这场比赛。We need to assess the merits of both proposals before making our decision.作出决定之前,我们需要对两个提案的优缺点进行评估。I find that I can remember trivia such as old sports results, but I can't remember the things that I really need to remember.我发觉我把以前的运动成绩之类的琐事记得很牢,真的需要我记得的东西我却记不住。Texts have been modernized with regard to capitalization and punctuation.就大写和标点而言,文本已变得更适应现代需要The movie version requires greater suspension of disbelief than the book.与原书比起来,电影版更需要观众更大程度地收起疑心,相信那不可能发生之事。First, you need to register at the reception desk.首先,你需要在前台登记入住。I was expected to familiarize myself with the keyboard.需要熟悉键盘操作。It's a desperate situation demanding a desperate remedy.情况危急,需要非常手段。Under the new system, students will have to pass an exam to graduate.在新体制下,学生们需要通过考试才能毕业。She told him she needed the money for her baby and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker.她告诉他,她需要这笔钱给孩子用,他便完全相信了。The journey round Bermudas demanded a high degree of seamanship.围绕百慕大群岛航行需要高超的航海技能。We need to find a peaceful alternative to war.我们需要寻求一种和平的解决方法,停止战争。A combination of tact and authority was needed to deal with the situation.处理这类情况需要策略,也需要权威。These plants need a sunny spot with good drainage.这些植物需要种植在阳光充足的地方,土壤排水能力要强。For many working mothers, balancing the demands of children and job is a perpetual strain.对有工作的母亲来说,既要满足孩子们的需要,又要满足事业上的需要,这永远是她们的一个负担。She needs to learn to develop her critical faculties. 需要学会提高她的辨别能力。I need to refill my prescription. 需要按这个处方再配些药。We need to make a mold of this new product so we can mass produce it.我们需要将产品做出模子才能大量生产。In a self-service store, the customer takes goods from the shelves for himself.在自助商店里,顾客自己从货架上取下需要的商品。You'll need two tons of cement, minimum.你至少需要两吨水泥。We need to send a strong message and not to depreciate the seriousness of the crime.我们需要发出一个强烈的信息,不能轻视这项犯罪的严重性。The job requires a gentle touch.这项工作需要稍加润色。We must persuade the government of the need for change.我们必须使政府相信需要变革。Economic reforms are needed to pacify and modernize the country.需要进行经济改革使该国实现和平和现代化。You need to flesh out your plan with more details.需要加入更多的细节来完善你的计划。It's a job where you'll have to submerge your ego and do what you're told.这份工作需要你克制自我、听从要求。Landing a plane requires fine judgement.驾驶飞机着陆需要精准的判断。Proofreaders need to have a good eye for detail.校对者需要对细节有很好的识别力。You need two witnesses in order to get married.需要两个见证人才能结婚。The job will require a considerable input of money.这项工作将需要相当大的资金投入。Doctors need to pass this information on to their patients.医生需要将这个信息传达给病人。




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