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词汇 degree
例句 What are you going to do when you get your degree?你获得学位后打算干什么?Somewhere along the line he picked up an engineering degree.在此期间的某个时候他拿到了一个工程学学位。She had an undergraduate degree in psychology.她有心理学的学士学位。His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.他的计划是取得经济学学位,然后去国外工作一年。Collective living depends on a degree of sensitivity to what is happening around us.集体生活取决于我们对周围所发生事情的敏感程度。You're a risk-taker to the nth degree.你是个十足的冒险者。There's going to be a degree of commotion and our goal is to maintain the peace.最近将会有一定程度的动乱发生,而我们的目标是维护和平。An honorary degree was conferred on him by the University.该大学授予他一个荣誉学位。Bell inflected the musical line and varied his tone, his vibrato and his phrasing with a degree of imagination.贝尔以其想象力将乐谱转调,使音色、颤音和乐句划分变化多样。He graduated with a good degree, only to join the ranks of the unemployed.他拿到很好的学位毕了业,却加入了失业大军的行列。Some degree of latitude is required in interpreting the law on this point.用法律解释这一点时需要灵活一些。He was sent down for misconduct and never earned his degree.他因行为不当被开除,没能取得学位。The topic is not taught in degree courses.学位课程不讲授这个课题。With a small degree of uneasiness, he pushed it open and stuck his head inside.他略带不安地将它推开,把头探了进去。He got the third degree.他受到了严厉拷问。Instead he went to varsity with the ambition of taking a science degree.他却去上了大学,一心想获得理学士学位。A degree is recognition of academic achievement.学位是对学习成果的认可。He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University.他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。Quartz has a high degree of translucency.石英的半透明度很高。Gone are the days when a university degree was a meal ticket for life.大学文凭就是一张终生饭票的日子一去不复返了。The degree of correspondence between the two texts is startling. 这两篇文章的相似度令人吃惊。He has advanced only one degree in promotion.他只提升了一级。In the end, the debate created a degree of rancor among the committee members.最后,这场争辩致使委员会成员之间产生了一定程度的怨恨。There has got to be a degree of flexibility.得有一点灵活性才行。This book shows the degree of artistic excellence the community has now achieved.本书展示了这个社团如今已取得的艺术成就的水平。Your employment prospects would be much better if you finished your degree.如果你取得学位,找到工作的可能性就会更大。He was convicted of second-degree manslaughter.他被判有二级过失杀人罪。She graduated with a degree in history.她毕业了,获得了历史学学位。She received an honorary degree. 她获得了一个荣誉学位。The programmes differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.这些方案的区别在于程度和重点,而非意识形态方面。The posts are intended for students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.这些职位是为那些最近完成了生物学第一学位的学生准备的。The degree provides a thorough grounding in mathematics and statistics.这一学位课程为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。The machine measures the eyeball's degree of curvature.这台仪器用于测量眼球的曲度。The University conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.大学授予他名誉法学博士学位。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.这门学位课程由电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.我真的很惊讶,不同歌手对同一首歌的诠释的影响竟是如此不同。You could go to night school and earn a degree.你可以去夜校拿个文凭。She was accused of murder in the first degree. 她被指控一级谋杀罪。To what degree would you say you had control over things that went on?.你认为发生的事情在多大程度上是在你的掌控之下?Sons followed their fathers' trade with a high degree of regularity.大多数情况都是子承父业。




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