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It was a difficult business getting everything ready in time.要把一切按时准备就绪实在是件难事。It is not difficult to train your dog to relieve itself on command.训练你的狗按指令大小便并非难事。The work is a real struggle for me. 这份工作对我来说真是件难事。It's been a struggle to balance my professional and family commitments. 对我而言,平衡好工作和家庭的关系一直是件难事。Playing a budding opera star was not much of a stretch for this classically trained singer.饰演一位崭露头角的歌剧明星对这个受过古典音乐训练的歌手而言不是什么难事。It's not hard to do a little studying each day once you get into a/the groove. 一旦进入状态你就不会觉得每天找点时间学习是件难事。It doesn't take much to improve the energy efficiency of your home.改善家庭能耗并非难事。Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack.油漆天花板是件难事。Once they have tried growing orchids, they will see there is really nothing to it.一旦他们试着种植兰花,就会发现那并不是什么难事。At his height, it's not so hard to slam-dunk.以他的身高,扣篮不是难事。It was a struggle.这是件难事。Replacing a car tyre isn't exactly rocket science.更换汽车轮胎并不是什么难事。Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.设计一个网站可能很费工夫,但并非难事。It would not be difficult to demolish a theory that was so obviously a load of rubbish.驳倒明显是一堆垃圾的理论不是件难事。Negotiation of the single-plank bridge was difficult for me.要走过这座独木桥对我是件难事。It's hard to maintain competitive pricing.想要维持有竞争力的价格是一件难事。 |