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As the disease progresses, the patient's health will degenerate rapidly.随着病情发展,这个病人的身体状况将会迅速恶化。He criticizes what he believes is a degenerate society.他对他所认为的堕落社会提出批评。From then on the whole tone of the campaign began to degenerate.从那时起,整个活动的基调开始变质。Don't allow your comments to degenerate into a personal attack on the employee.别让你的话变成对雇员的人身攻击。He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.他不因财富和奢华而自甘堕落。The crisis may degenerate into a catastrophe.这次危机可能会演变成为一场灾难。 |