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词汇 of family
例句 The old type of family party is played out, young people demand something more exciting nowadays.老一套的家庭聚会已经过时了,而当今年轻人需要更刺激的东西。Everyone likes the gentle humor of his stories of family life.每个人都喜欢他家庭生活故事中的这种小幽默。She wanted to experience things outside the close confines of family life.她想体验一下封闭的家庭生活以外的生活。What emerges is a complex picture of family rivalry.家庭成员间勾心斗角的复杂情况浮现出来。He was not ready to accept the ties of family life.他还没准备好接受家庭生活的束缚。Eventually, unable to bear the constrictions of family life, he left home.最后他还是受不了家庭生活的束缚,离家出走了。The support of family and friends is vital.家人和朋友的支持至关重要。The mother is often the pivot of family life.母亲常是家庭生活的中心人物。She juggled the competing responsibilities of family and work.她尽力既顾家又兼顾工作。His film, over two hours in length, is a subtle study of family life.他这部片长逾两个小时的电影对家庭生活进行了巧妙的剖析。His mother complains that he makes excuses to chicken out of family occasions such as weddings.他妈妈抱怨他找借口躲避家庭聚会,如婚礼之类的。They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.他们将困扰婚姻的问题掩藏在家庭和睦的外表之下。She has to deal with a lot of family and work responsibilities.她必须得应对很多家庭和工作上的职责。Las Vegas became the wellspring of a new style of family values.拉斯韦加斯成为一种新的家庭价值观的发源地。Quarrels are a normal part of family life.争吵是家庭生活的一个正常组成部分。They mouthed the values of family, religion and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。The smell summoned up memories of family holidays by the sea.这气味唤起了全家在海边度假的记忆。Blair is known for his espousal of family.布莱尔是有名的家庭拥护者。The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years.近年来家庭生活的模式一直在变化。She longs to be free of the fetters of family obligations.她渴望摆脱家庭责任的束缚。They like new patterns of family life.他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。We assess the applicant's history of family illness.我们评估申请人的家族病史。She bethought herself of family obligations.她牢记自己对家庭的责任。He was granted a deferment on the basis of family hardship.由于家庭困境,政府允许他延期服兵役。They prefer to stay in their home country because of family ties.因为家族关系,他们宁愿待在国内。His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources.他的儿子们为分家产吵得很凶。He sees local history as an extension of family history.他把地方史看作是家族史的延伸。I can't travel next month because of family obligations.出于对家庭的责任,我下个月不能去旅行。She was struggling to escape the fetters of family life.她在努力摆脱家庭生活的束缚。Alcoholism affects all aspects of family life.酗酒影响家庭生活的各个方面。The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics.思想的交流有助于理解家庭动态。Many will consider this a simple case of family ties.很多人会把这看成一个简单的亲属关系案例。The valley is a patchwork of family farms.峡谷中满是一片片家庭农场。Their meetings tend to take on the appearance of family gatherings.他们的会面常常看起来像家庭聚会。She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.她对家族的传统及延续感到甚为骄傲。Marriage and children are the bedrock of family life.婚姻和子女是家庭生活的基础。Mr Morris was determined to put on a show of family unity.莫里斯先生决心摆出一副家庭团结的样子。




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