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词汇 阅读能力
例句 This task is designed to test your reading skills.这项任务的目的是考查你的阅读能力My ability to read French has improved markedly.我的法语阅读能力已经有了显著提高。She has a reading knowledge of Spanish.她具有西班牙语阅读能力The books cover the full range of reading abilities.这些书涵盖了各种阅读能力的读者。She is showing a slow and steady improvement in her reading ability.她的阅读能力有了缓慢而稳步的提高。She's getting very good at reading now.她现在的阅读能力相当不错。At first Katy was a slow reader, but now she reads all the time.最初凯蒂阅读能力很差,不过现在她已手不释卷。The child's reading ability is satisfactory for his age level.孩子的阅读能力就他的年龄来说是颇为可喜的。Julie's reading is improving in leaps and bounds.朱莉的阅读能力进步得很快。He can't read as well as his classmates.阅读能力不如其他同学。Alf made strenuous efforts to improve his reading.阿尔夫为了提高阅读能力付出了巨大的努力。Her brother is above average in his reading ability.他的阅读能力在平均水平以上。Students will be graded on their reading ability.将对学生的阅读能力进行评分。At the end of the day the teacher does half an hour's extra work with the slow readers.老师每天放学后给阅读能力差的学生补半个小时的课。Children are expected to be competent readers by the time they leave this class.孩子们完成这门课的时候,阅读能力应该很强了。The children are divided into groups according to their reading ability.这些孩子按阅读能力进行分组。James reads quite well for his age.对詹姆斯这个年龄来说,他的阅读能力算不错了。Students will be marked on their reading ability.学生们的阅读能力会被打分。He made strenuous efforts to improve his reading.他奋发努力提高阅读能力Good readers tend to be better at spelling than other children.阅读能力强的孩子在拼写方面一般比其他孩子表现好。




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