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词汇 to thaw
例句 This second meeting helped to thaw the atmosphere.这第二次会议使得气氛有所缓和。After a good dinner,the guests began to thaw out.吃过一顿美餐,客人们开始变得不那么拘束了。You'll have to thaw the meat out before you can use it.你在做肉之前必须先解冻。A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guest.一杯茶有助于我们的客人变得不拘束。Bob and Louise had prepared a sumptuous meal to thaw out our bodies.鲍勃和路易丝为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜给我们暖暖身子。I'm just starting to thaw out after taking the dogs out this morning.我今天早晨出去遛狗后,身子这才刚刚开始暖和些。Amy's feet were beginning to thaw out.埃米的脚趾头开始暖和过来了。The weather is beginning to thaw.天气开始转暖使冰雪融化了。After a good dinner he began to thaw.吃过一顿美餐后,他开始变得随和了。The snow had started to thaw, and there was a faint scent of spring in the air.积雪开始融化,空气中有了一丝春天的气息。The ice on the pond is beginning to thaw. 池塘里的冰正在开始融化。She held the coffee cup tightly, trying to thaw her frozen fingers.她紧紧地握住咖啡杯,想把冰冷的手指捂暖。It took up to Christmas for political relations to thaw.直到圣诞节政治关系才有所改善。It's so cold the snow doesn't get a chance to thaw.天气太冷,雪一点都化不了。As they talked, he began to thaw.他们谈着谈着,他才变得随和起来。After the talk,Martin began to thaw out.谈话之后,马丁的态度开始缓和下来。At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere.这第二次会议至少起到了缓和气氛的作用。Allow the meat to thaw completely before cooking it.这些肉烹制之前要先彻底解冻。Efforts to thaw relations between the two countries have failed.缓和两国之间关系的努力失败了。After a good meal, he began to thaw out and tell us more about himself.他称心地吃了一餐后变得活跃起来,又告诉了我们一些关于他本人的事。I held my hands close to the fire to thaw them out.我把双手伸近炉火取暖。The meat will have to thaw out before you can use it.你在做肉之前必须先解冻。It has finally started to thaw.天气终于开始变暖和了。We'll have the chicken drumsticks - they won't take long to thaw.我们就吃鸡腿吧—鸡腿解冻快。He held his hands in front of the fire to thaw them out.他把手伸到炉火前取暖。Relations with that country seemed to thaw.和那个国家的关系似乎缓和了。I remember to thaw out the chicken before I leave home.我记着出门前把鸡肉化开。The chilly relations between them are beginning to thaw out.他们之间的冷淡关系正开始解冻。The two countries moved cautiously to thaw out their frosty diplomatic relationship.两国谨慎地采取行动去缓和他们之间冷淡的外交关系。When it's icy, the city salts the roads to thaw the ice.结冰时,这座城市里的道路上会撒上盐来化冰。




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