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词汇 to test
例句 The Ferrari team wanted to test their new car out on the racetrack.法拉利车队想在跑道上试验他们的新车。Squeeze the fruit to test for ripeness.捏一下水果查看成熟程度。We carried out several experiments to test the theory.我们做了多次实验来检验这个理论。He used different methods to test for allergies.他用不同的方法测定变态反应性。This task is designed to test your reading skills.这项任务的目的是考查你的阅读能力。The questionnaire is to test customer reaction to the new store design.该问卷用于测试客户对新店设计的反应。We need to draw some blood to test you for the virus.我们需要为你抽血检查病毒。Regulations require water authorities to test sea water for bacteria.条例规定水务部门应检测海水中是否含有细菌。The aim of the examination is to test your writing skills.该考试的目的是要考查你们的写作能力。We decided to test the theory experimentally.我们决定用实验检验一下这个理论。Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.现在将开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证该假设。The experiment is designed to test the new drug.实验的目的是试验新药。Senator Lott is floating trial balloons to test public opinion on the bill.洛特参议员放出了试探性气球,看看舆论对这项议案的反应。I dipped my toe in the river to test the temperature.我把脚趾伸进河里试试水温。Car manufacturers are already producing small numbers of electric vehicles to test customer acceptance.汽车制造商已经生产了少量电动车,检验消费者的认可情况。We designed a series of experiments to test our hypothesis.我们设计了一系列的实验来验证我们的假设。This problem is designed to test your powers of observation.这道题是用来测试你的观察能力的。The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.这位研究员在做实验以检验这一假设。I hacked up a loop program to test the computer's processing speed.为测试计算机的运行速度,我设计了一个简单的循环程序。It is difficult to test a potential cure when a disease is ill-defined.如果对疾病的描述不明确,那就很难检验可能的治疗方法。Of course we need to test children's ability, but some of these exams are worse than useless.我们当然需要测验儿童的能力,但是这些考试有的不仅无用,反而有害。They use prison as guinea pig to test drug.他们用罪犯来试验药品。The strands of rubber were drawn to test their strength.橡皮条被拉紧以试验强度。Dr Lee set up a series of experiments to test out this hypothesis.李博士设计了一系列实验来验证这个假设。We still rely on archaic analytical techniques to test water for disease.我们仍然依赖过时的分析技术来检测水里是否含有病菌。Choose a small area of the fabric to test first.先在布料上选一小块进行测试。The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment.全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。She sanded the edge of the board and rubbed her hand against it to test its smoothness.她用砂纸把板边磨光,然后用手摸着看是否平滑了。A two-step process was used to test this hypothesis.用了一个分为两步的过程来验证这一假设。She decided to test herself with a training run in London.她决定在伦敦对自己进行跑步训练的测试。The student is invited to test each item for himself by means of specific techniques.邀请学生们采用特定的技术自己去测试每个项目。The doctor tapped the patient's knee in order to test his reflexes.医生轻叩病人的膝关节以检测病人的反应能力。How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly?还要出多少死亡事故才能使当局相信药物试验需要更加仔细彻底?It is important to test for ripeness.为求完美,尝试是相当重要的。It's not a scientific way to test their opinions.用这个方法来测试他们的意见不科学。The Moroccan athlete ran a fast lap to test the strength of the other runners.摩洛哥运动员快跑了一圈,以试探其他选手的实力。We need to test students' ability across a wide range of subjects.我们需要测试学生在许多科目上的能力。The astronauts will undergo a series of trials to test their physical and mental endurance in space.宇航员将接受一系列试验以测试他们在太空中的生理和心理承受力。She used this data to test her hypothesis.她用这些数据验证她的假设。He would tug at it to test its elasticity.他会用力拉一下,试试它的弹性。




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