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词汇 锤子
例句 She was holding a hammer in her fist.她手里握着锤子I used a sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the ground.我用一把大锤子把短桩打进地里。Each blow of the hammer removed a great chunk of plaster.锤子每次敲打都震落一大块灰泥。The tribes of Central New Guinea use very simple tools such as hammers and axes.新几内亚中部的各部落使用非常简单的工具,如锤子和斧子。The function of a hammer is to hit nails into wood.锤子的用途是把钉敲进木头。I picked up a hammer and hit the head of the nail as hard as I could.我拿起一把锤子拼命地敲打钉头。A hammer is a simple tool.锤子是一种简单的工具。All you need is a hammer and some nails.你需要的就是一把锤子和一些钉子。The ring of his hammer echoed round the square.他的锤子的敲击声在广场上回响。I got a hammer and nailed down the floorboards.我拿了把锤子把地板钉牢。He swung the hammer with all his strength.他奋力抡起锤子The head's come off the hammer.锤子的头脱落了。He equipped himself with a hammer and nails.他随身带了把锤子和一些钉子。The house is still reverberating to his hammer blows.屋子里还在回荡着他锤子的敲打声。The hammer fell with a clank on the floor.锤子咣当一声落在地板上。Exhibit A is the hammer found next to the victim.证物甲是在受害者身边发现的一把锤子He took a hammer from his toolbox.他从工具箱里拿出一把锤子Can he wield a hammer?他能握住一把锤子吗?Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills.他们学习和复习时大多都伴着锤子和风钻沉闷的敲击声。The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing.因为隔着双层玻璃,锤子的敲打声变低沉了。He cursed under his breath as the hammer slipped.锤子滑偏,他轻轻地骂了一声。She grabbed the hammer by the handle.她抓着锤子的柄。I haven't got a hammer, but the stone should serve my purpose.我没有锤子,但这块石头该能达到我的目的。The hammer slipped out of my hands.锤子从我的手里滑落下来。They took up hammers and nails and went to work building the house.他们拿起锤子和钉子开始建房子。A hammer is a means of driving a nail.锤子是敲钉子的工具。Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers.工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。The hammer slipped out of her grasp.锤子从她的手中滑落。I dropped a hammer on the floor, and it dented the floorboard.我一失手,锤子掉到地板上,把地板砸出了凹痕。




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