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词汇 钱多
例句 She ascribes no importance to having lots of money. 她并不认为钱多很重要。He spends an obscene amount of money on clothes.他花在衣服上的钱多得吓人。He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.他是个高收入的经纪人,钱多得花不完。Every time I see her she's wearing something new. She must have money to burn.我每次看到她时,她都穿着新衣服。她肯定钱多得花不完了。Are you rich enough to retire?你的钱多到可以让你退休了吗?I don't see why she should get more money than the others.我不明白为什么她应该比别人拿钱多We have a bit more money now, and the baby doesn't do without.现在我们钱多了一些,而且小孩不缺东西了。If you have your health and your sanity, money isn't really important.如果你拥有健康的身体和健全的心智,钱多钱少也就并不很重要了。The pompous ass is puffed up by too much money.这头自以为了不起的蠢驴因为钱多而趾高气扬。Kelly's promotion means more money and more responsibility.凯利的提升意味着钱多了,责任也更大了。Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are not the instruments to get you started.除非你钱多得没地方用,这些昂贵的吉他可不是供初学者用的。I don't know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to burn.我不知道她做什么工作,不过看来她的钱多得花不完。They were offering him crazy amounts of money.他们给他的钱多得荒唐。They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best.他们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就给谁干活儿。Unless you've got money to burn, these expensive guitars are probably not for you.除非你钱多得烫手,这些昂贵的吉他大概不是你该买的。




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