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词汇 declaring
例句 The congress has the last word in declaring war.对于宣战,国会有最后决定权。The king was too precipitate in declaring war.国王在宣战一事上过于轻率。The President signed a proclamation declaring martial law.总统签署了公告,宣布戒严。They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open.他们举行了剪彩仪式,宣布展览开幕。He was prevented from declaring his love by his fear of intimacy.他因为惧怕与他人的亲密关系而不能表达自己的爱意。Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.已经有囚犯写信来,宣称就连他们也绝对不会殴打老太太。The spin doctors from both sides were already declaring victory for their candidates as soon as the debate ended.辩论一结束,双方的舆论导向专家就已经在宣布自己的候选人获胜了。The U.S. took the lead in declaring war on terrorism.美国带头向恐怖主义宣战。The government reacted by declaring all strikes illegal.政府作出反应,宣布所有罢工行为都是非法的。He was accused of blasphemy for declaring the Godhead to be female.他因为宣称上帝是女性而被指控亵渎神明。The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent.爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。He turned up in northern Cyprus, declaring himself happy to be home.他出现在塞浦路斯北部,声称自己很高兴又回家了。He had chosen his words carefully in declaring that the murderers were madmen.他在宣布这些杀人犯精神错乱时,措词很谨慎。




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