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词汇 mouths
例句 We shovelled food into our mouths as fast as we could.我们飞快地把食物塞进嘴里。Their eyes pop out and their mouths gape so wide they look hollow.他们眼睛突出,嘴巴大张着,看起来像空洞一样。I think we all felt he'd been treated very unfairly and it left a bad taste in our mouths.我想我们都觉得他受到了极不公平的待遇,这件事给我们留下了很不愉快的记忆。Nick's head bent slowly over hers until their mouths met.尼克慢慢向她低下头去,直到他们的嘴唇碰在了一起。We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.我们看着,兴奋得张大了嘴。He castigated his opponents as poor mouths.他指责他的对手们是故意哭穷。How can the world support all these hungry mouths?世界如何养活这些饥饿的人?Our mouths dropped open in surprise.我们惊奇地张大了嘴。They tied up the hostages and put gags in their mouths.他们把人质绑起来,并堵上了他们的嘴。Twins would mean two extra mouths to feed.双胞胎就意味着需要多养活两口人。If you do that work, you'll be taking the bread out of the mouths of your fellow workers here.你要是做那事,就是抢你同事们的饭碗。All those watching the attempt to save the drowning child had their hearts in their mouths.所有在场观看抢救溺水孩子的人都焦急万分。They all went home with a good taste in their mouths.他们心中都怀着好感回去了。She dismissed them with a harsh injunction to keep their mouths shut.她打发他们走时厉声喝令他们得守口如瓶。Preparing good nourishing family meals was a challenge with eight mouths to feed.要做出有营养又可口的饭菜给一个八口之家吃很不容易。An actor who mouths his speeches is a poor actor.念台词装腔作势的演员是拙劣的演员。She has four hungry mouths to feed.有四张饥饿的嘴等着她哺喂。The minority had learned to keep their heads down and keep their mouths shut.少数派已经学会了低下头、闭上嘴。The chicks have deep red mouths with orange upper parts and the gape flanges are white.幼雏嘴呈深红色,上部橙色,嘴边凸缘白色。He usually poor-mouths when it's his turn to contribute.轮到要他捐钱时,他常常哭穷。The river flows through a triad of mouths into the sea.这条河经三个河口流入大海。Some snakes can squirt venom from their mouths.有些蛇能从嘴里喷出毒液。Bear in mind that young children will put anything in their mouths.切记,幼童会把任何东西放进他们的嘴里。




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