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He is little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.这家报纸只不过是共和党的传声筒。Their mouthpiece is the vice-president.他们的代言人是副总统。He might be considered little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。The media act as a mouthpiece for the ruling party.媒体是执政党的喉舌。He put his hand over the mouthpiece and called his wife to the phone.他用手捂住话筒,叫妻子来接电话。He shouted into the mouthpiece.他冲着话筒大嚷。He's been acting as a mouthpiece for the government on questions of foreign policy.他一直担任政府外交政策问题的发言人。I cupped my hand over the mouthpiece of the phone so they couldn't hear me.我用手捂住电话话筒,免得他们听见我的话。They accused the paper of being an establishment mouthpiece.他们指责该报是官方的喉舌。He bellowed information into the mouthpiece of his portable telephone.他对着手机话筒吼了一通信息。Edison invented a more powerful mouthpiece which removed the need to shout into the telephone.爱迪生发明了一种功率较大的话筒,这样就不必对着电话大喊大叫了。The company has hired an attorney as a mouthpiece to answer its critics.公司聘请了一名律师作为回应其批评者的代言人。He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice.布莱克把手绢包在话筒上,以使自己的声音听起来模糊不清。He became the mouthpiece of the moderate leadership.他成为温和派领导的代言人。Take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece.深呼吸,然后将气吹入乐器吹口中。The newspaper was the mouthpiece of the National Democratic Party.该报纸是国家民主党的喉舌。The Chemical Manufacturers Association is the mouthpiece of the American chemicals industry.化学品制造商协会是美国化学品工业的喉舌。Ben put his hand over the mouthpiece and shouted to me.本用手捂住话筒,对我大叫。The newspaper was only a mouthpiece of certain rich people.这家报纸不过是某些富人的喉舌。 |