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词汇 mouthed
例句 She thought he was loud-mouthed and uncouth.她觉得他说话粗声大气,没有教养。They've been close-mouthed about the settlement.他们对解决方案一直守口如瓶。They watched almost open-mouthed as the two men came towards them.他们几乎是目瞪口呆地看着那两个男人朝他们走过来。The players mouthed cliches about what they hoped to do at the World Cup.球员们说了一些套话,希望在世界杯赛上取得什么样成绩。He was known to be a loud-mouthed, opinionated bigot.大家都知道他是一个高谈阔论、固执己见的偏执狂。I stared at him open-mouthed, unable to speak.我目瞪口呆地盯着他,一句话也说不出来。Passers-by stopped dead and gazed at the spectacle open-mouthed.过路人全都停住脚步,目瞪口呆地盯着这奇景。The tennis player poor-mouthed that he was used to clay courts and expected to play miserably on the grass.那位网球运动员谦卑地说,自己习惯在土球场上打球,在草地球场上可能打不好。Harry was a nasty foul-mouthed old devil.哈里是个满口脏话、讨厌的老家伙。The men stared open-mouthed as Jade passed.杰德经过时人们目瞪口呆地盯着他看。If kids are foul-mouthed and rude, it's probably because they hear that kind of language at home.如果小孩子满嘴脏话,粗鲁无礼,那可能是因为他们在家里听到过那种言语。We stared open-mouthed as the plane came down.飞机降落时我们张大了嘴巴盯着看。She mouthed something I couldn't make out.她用口形默示了些什么,但我弄不明白。He mouthed a swear word at me through the window.他从窗口朝我说了一句脏话。He repeated that he did not intend to be mealy-mouthed with the country's leaders.他重申他并不想在和国家领导人说话时拐弯抹角。She winked broadly at him and silently mouthed something.她使劲冲他使眼色,不出声地对他说了些什么。The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity.教区牧师目瞪口呆地看着他,一脸怀疑。She was scratched after a former swain mouthed off about their life together.她从前的一个恋人公然谈论他们曾经同居,于是人家就不要她了。His foul-mouthed way of speaking made me ashamed of him.他下流的讲话方式让我为他感到羞耻。The audience mouthed the words to all the songs.观众不出声地哼着所有歌曲的歌词。I never feel that that fellow is really sincere; he's too mealy-mouthed.我从不认为那家伙是真心实意的;他太会花言巧语了。He's a coarse, foul-mouthed bully.他是一个粗俗无礼、满嘴脏话的恶棍。I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。You're tight-mouthed. Loosen up!你嘴太紧了,讲出来吧!He was absolutely tight-mouthed about it.对此,他完全守口如瓶。I mouthed a goodbye and hurried in behind Momma.我以口型默示告别,然后赶紧跟着妈妈走了进去。He put the flowers in a wide-mouthed blue vase.他把花放入了一个宽口蓝色花瓶中。Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.大多数人认为此场选战梅杰先生态度颇为暧昧,激进的观点不是避而不谈,就是变得中庸了。Both men continually bad-mouthed each other.两个人都在背地里频繁地互相攻击。After mealy-mouthed Mr Slyd, Kent's directness was appealing.听过斯莱德先生拐弯抹角的讲话,肯特的直率吸引了人们。A few foul-mouthed louts in the crowd were shouting racist abuse.人群里一些口出恶言的青年在满带种族歧视地叫骂着。The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity.教区牧师目瞪口呆地看着他,露出不相信的表情。Spokesmen have been mealy-mouthed in defence of the president.发言人拐弯抹角地保护总统。They stared open-mouthed at the extent of the damage.损害这么严重,他们看得瞠目结舌。He bad-mouthed me to everybody else.他见人便说我坏话。He remains closed-mouthed about his plans.他对自己的计划守口如瓶。He mouthed a swallow of water and spat it into the lavatory.他含了一口水,然后把它吐入洗脸盆。The executives listened open-mouthed as she seamlessly delivered a pitch for their business.她滔滔不绝地推销业务,让高管们听得目瞪口呆。They mouthed the values of family, religion and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。They mouthed the values of religion, and charity, but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives.他们大谈宗教和慈善的价值,但在个人生活中却表现得恰恰相反。




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