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词汇 mousy
例句 A mousy-looking woman accompanied him.一个相貌平平的女人和他在一起。I remember you as a mousy little thing who scarcely dared say boo to a goose.我记得你当时是个胆小如鼠、腼腆怕羞的小东西。She might have been mousy and dowdy but she would have been better than nothing.她也许是有点鼠头鼠脑、邋里邋遢,但是有她总比没有强。She didn't like being thought of as mousy and nervous.她不希望被看做是一个胆小如鼠、紧张怕事的人。The Inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried.检察官记得,她是一个矮小、羞怯、总是闷闷不乐的人。He was average height, average build, with mousy hair and a forgettable face.他中等身高、中等身材、灰褐色头发,长着一张过目即忘的脸。The movie is a fantasy about a mousy housewife who is transformed into a glamorous star.这部电影是幻想片,讲述了一个胆小的家庭主妇转变成一个大明星的故事。




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