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词汇 deciding
例句 It's decision time, and deciding is difficult.现在是作决定的时侯了,可是作决定很难。A good pool player takes time deciding which shot to play.一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。We debated whether to fly or go by train, finally deciding on the train.我们讨论了是乘飞机呢还是坐火车,最后决定坐火车。That judge is a machine, a deciding machine.那法官是机器,是一台判决机。It's worth comparing a range of models before deciding which one to buy.比较一下各种型号,然后再决定买哪一种,这是值得的。His home run was the deciding factor in the game. 他的本垒打是赢得这场比赛的关键。He stood in the door for several minutes before deciding whether he'd stay.他站在门里边好几分钟才决定是否留下来。She refused to give a straight reply, deciding rather to defer the question.她不愿直截了当地回答,决定把这个问题先拖着。We hemmed and hawed for months before actually deciding to buy the house.在真正决定买这所房子之前我们犹豫了数月之久。She test-drove four or five different cars before deciding on one.她试驾了四五辆不同的车以后才决定买一辆。I waffled a lot before finally deciding to take the job.我犹豫了很久,最后决定接受这份工作。We liked both houses, but price was the deciding factor.这两幢房子我们都喜欢,但价格才是决定性因素。Fineness of judgement is the deciding factor.细致入微的判断力是决定性因素。Look at your skills objectively when deciding on a career change.在决定改行时要客观地考虑自己的技能。The gist of the article is that children should have more rights in deciding their own futures.文章的大意是说孩子应有更大的权利决定自己的未来。When it comes to parenthood, more and more women are deciding to go it alone.说到做母亲,越来越多的女性决定要独立持家。What do you go by when you're deciding whether or not to employ someone?你决定雇用谁或者不雇用谁的依据是什么?He wants to scope out all of the possibilities before deciding what to do.在决定做什么之前,他想把所有的可能性都考虑一遍。He showed good judgment in deciding not to invest in the project.他决定不对那项工程投资,这说明他的判断力很强。It seemed rather an odd manner of deciding things.这样决定事情好像很奇怪。However, in deciding on extensive mechanization, the concept of elite armoured forces had been lost.然而,在决定实现全面机械化的过程中,精锐装甲部队的观念早丢掉了。His lack of experience was the deciding factor in my decision not to hire him.他缺乏经验是我决定不雇用他的主要因素。Employees are deciding whether to accept the offer.雇员们正在决定是否接受这项提议。The board was charged with deciding where to build a new school.董事会负责决定新学校的位置。We are deciding if we should stay.我们在决定是否该留下来。Cost can make a difference in deciding on a college.费用可能影响到选择上哪所大学。The doctor is being paternalistic. He's deciding what information the patient needs to know.那位医生很专断。患者需要了解什么信息全由他说了算。Race should never be a deciding factor in a hiring decision.雇用与否,种族不应当是决定性因素。We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.我们彻底仔细地检查了措词后才最终定稿。He is having trouble deciding which school to go to.他难以决定该上哪所学校。The weather is the overriding factor in deciding whether to cancel the picnic.天气是决定是否取消野餐的首要因素。As for the future, Tucker said she intends to take a well-deserved break before deciding what to do next.至于未来,塔克说她该好好休息了,打算先休息一段时间然后再决定接下来做什么。Consumers place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.消费者在决定购买何种商品时,更关注负面信息,而不是正面信息。He still attended board meetings, but he no longer had the deciding vote.董事会会议他依然列席,但不再拥有表决权。We consulted quite widely before deciding what to do.我们在决定做什么之前,进行了相当广泛的咨询。She is having difficulty deciding about the offer.她拿不定主意是否接受那个工作机会。Aren't you putting the cart before the horse by deciding what to wear for the wedding before you've even been invited to it?还未被邀请参加婚礼,就先决定该穿什么,你这不是本末倒置吗?Persistence, rather than speed, is the deciding factor of victory in any game.持久,而不是速度,是决定比赛胜利的因素。The vice president will cast the deciding vote.副总裁将投出决定性的一票。She explained her reasons for deciding to change jobs.她解释了决定换工作的原因。




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