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The audience was enthralled for two hours by a sparkling, dramatic performance.两个小时的表演妙趣横生,高潮迭起,观众们看得如醉如痴。Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.在发泡葡萄酒里加冰冻橙汁,做成巴克菲士鸡尾酒。The building is a sparkling example of modern architecture at its best.这栋建筑是现代建筑全盛时期的杰出典范。I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through the trees.透过树丛,我瞥见了令我心驰神往的波光粼粼的蔚蓝色大海。If you can't run to champagne, buy sparkling wine.如果买不起香槟酒,就买汽酒好了。Her eyes were sparkling with anger.她的双眼射出怒火。Would you like that still or sparkling, madam?太太,你要不起泡的还是起泡的?Top retailer Marks & Spencer has romped in with another set of sparkling results.零售巨头玛莎百货再次凭借一系列耀眼的成绩轻松胜出。He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera.镜头前的他光彩照人,多才多艺。She had a sparkling bon mot for every occasion.她在任何场合都能说出一句让人眼前一亮的珠玑妙语。She raised her wrist, showing off a sparkling diamond bracelet.她抬起手腕,亮出一条亮闪闪的钻石手链。She wore sparkling diamond earrings.她戴着亮晶晶的钻石耳环。The lawn was sparkling with frost.结了霜的草坪晶莹闪亮。A good sparkling wine is infinitely preferable to a bad Champagne.优质起泡葡萄酒比劣质香槟要可取得多。Champagne is a sparkling wine.香槟是一种起泡葡萄酒。Sunlight was sparkling the waves.阳光使海浪粼粼发光。He is known for his sparkling wit.他以才思敏捷著称。Other sparkling wines are often considered the poor relations of champagne.其他起泡葡萄酒往往被认为较香槟酒为次。Would you like still or sparkling water?你要无气的还是有气的水?The water was crystal-clear, edged by sparkling white sand.海水清澈透明,岸边是亮闪闪的白沙。She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling.她咧着嘴对我笑着,两眼放光。The boat was slicing through the sparkling waves.小船划破粼粼的波浪航行。The sea was sparkling in the early morning sunshine.在清晨明媚的阳光下,海水闪闪发光。 |