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词汇 spark
例句 Her performance added a little spark to the movie.她的表演令影片增色。Her suggestion was the spark for the entire renovation project.她的建议促成了整个翻修工程。Who's the bright spark who came up with this rotten idea?哪个自作聪明的人提出了这个烂主意?A mischievous spark glinted in his eyes.他的眼中闪现出一丝调皮的神色。Ozone is formed when an electric spark is passed through oxygen.电火花遇到氧气会产生臭氧。He showed not a spark of interest in literature.他对文学丝毫不感兴趣。That small incident was the spark that set off the street riots.那件小事是街头暴乱的导火线。A stray spark had ignited a drum of petrol.散落的一粒火星点燃了一桶汽油。Some bright spark turned the heating off last night!某个聪明过头的家伙昨晚把暖气关了。You can start a fire by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together until you produce a spark.你可以通过摩擦两块干木头直到产生火花来点火。The tinder was ready and the spark took.火绒准备就绪后火星一点就着。Take out the spark plugs and turn the cylinder block upside down.拔下火花塞,把汽缸翻转过来。The railroad didn't pay him to spark a girl on its time.铁路付他薪资不是让他在上班时间去向女孩子求爱的。In its fourth year, the TV series has lost its spark.这部电视连续剧播出第四个年头时精彩不再。The judge's verdict provided the spark for the riots.法官的裁决是这场暴乱的导火线。Some bright spark thought the building was on fire and called the fire brigade.不知道哪个聪明人以为大楼着火了,就叫来了消防队。The performance was short on spark and creativity.表演缺少活力和创造力。Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement.甚至连奥利弗都感到了一丝兴奋。He passed an electric spark through a mixture of gases.他让一束电火花穿过了一团混合气体。UN troops are in a cleft stick: something has to be done for the civilian population, yet to retaliate would surely be the spark to ignite all-out war.联合国军队进退两难:为了平民不得不采取行动,可是还击势必会引发全面战争。He had kindled a spark of interest within her.他使她产生了一点儿兴趣。Interest rate cuts were the spark the market needed.降低利率是市场所需要的诱因。Such a major policy reversal is certain to spark a furore among conservatives.如此重大的政策逆转肯定会在保守派中引起骚动。We saw a spark of light through the trees.我们透过树丛看到闪光。The most immediate spark for unrest could come from the economy.导致动荡局面的最直接原因可能来自经济。The gas is ignited by an electrical spark.一个电火花点燃了煤气。A spark ignites the stove's burner.电火花点着了厨灶煤气头。Their plans spark a massive bust-up between Zoe and her mum.他们的计划引发了佐耶和她母亲的激烈争执。The fire was ignited by a spark from an electrical fault.这场火是由电路故障产生的一个火花点燃的。Fuel is ignited by the spark plug.燃料由火花塞点火。His music lacked that vital spark of imagination.他的音乐缺乏至关重要的想象力的火花。She felt a little spark of anger.她感到有点儿生气。The whole region was a tinderbox; only a spark was needed to set it off.整个地区犹如干柴,一燃即着。She's the spark plug of the team.她是该队的中坚分子。The move didn't spark the offence as hoped.这一行动未能如愿发起一场进攻。Ethical concerns can spark a mass movement.伦理问题有可能引发民众运动。Rachel looked at her and felt a spark of hope.雷切尔看着她,感到了一线希望。Some bright spark suggested a midnight swim.某个聪明人建议半夜去游泳。A spark triggered the explosion.一粒火星引起了这场爆炸。His performances lack that creative spark.他的表演缺少点儿创意。




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