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词汇 Sparks
例句 Sparks flew when the wires touched.电线搭在一起时,火花飞溅。Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.篝火中飞溅出很多火星,迸得到处都是。Sparks leapt as he cast more wood on the fire.他往火堆里加木块时飞起了火星。The fire gradually got bigger and bigger. Sparks flew off in all directions.火越燃越烈,火星四溅。Sparks from the fire rained down on the frightened spectators.火花像雨点般落在受了惊吓的观众身上。Sparks flew when the wires touched each other.电线搭在一起时,火花飞溅。Sparks from the fireworks rained on the field.焰火的火花雨点般落在田野上。Sparks from the fire were shooting all over.火花四处飞溅。Sparks from the machine showered onto the floor of the garage.这台机器迸出的火花洒落到汽车修理厂厂房的地板上。Sparks sprang from the bonfire.火花从篝火中飞溅出来。




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