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例句 He said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty.他说新闻界有部分人不放过任何机会,力图制造她有罪的印象。Nursery places for children are scarce in some parts of the country.在该国的部分地区,儿童很少有机会上托儿所。Divide the task into manageable sections.把工作分成几个部分,方便处理。The company reinvests a portion of its profits in new products.公司把部分利润用于新产品开发。They held back part of the payment.部分款额他们没有支付。He failed in part because of his carelessness.他之所以失败,部分是由于粗心大意。The brass seems to me to be too loud in this recording.我觉得这张唱片中铜管乐器部分似乎太响了。A radar sounder on the Mars orbiter will let scientists probe beneath the surface.火星轨道飞船上的一台雷达测深仪可以让科学家更好地探测火星的地表以下部分The film was only a partial success.这部电影仅仅是部分成功。Some memory loss is a normal part of the aging process.衰老过程中失去部分记忆是正常现象。The government uses outside contractors for some of the work.政府把部分工作外包给承包商。The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.该公司租下了这栋大楼,占用了一部分并转租了其余的部分For the sake of simplicity, the tax form is divided into three sections.为简明起见,税单分成三个部分Stick down any loose bits of flooring.把地板松动的部分粘好。Consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job.想想工作中哪些部分是自己喜欢的,哪些是不喜欢的。You can break a subject up into sections and guide your learners through it one section at a time.你可以把一个课题分成几个部分,引导学生一个部分一个部分地学习。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。The deadline for applications is being extended, in part because of the postal strike.申请的最后期限延长了,部分原因是邮局发生了罢工。The airline is partially owned by British Airways.这家航空公司部分隶属于英国航空公司。I have to wade through pages and pages of heavy stuff to get to the good bits.我不得不读完一页又一页无聊的内容才能找到有意思的部分Part of the roof has caved in.屋顶已经部分塌落了。If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm.如果我们来不及完成,可以把部分工作分给另一家公司做。The loss was partially offset by increases in revenues elsewhere.其他地方收益的增加部分地抵消了这一损失。This part of the world experienced a deep freeze for several thousand years.地球的这个部分曾经历了数千年的冰封。The Queen is said to disapprove of the antics of some of the younger members of the Royal Family.据说女王不赞成部分年轻的皇室成员不负责任的行为。The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway.机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。There's no continuity between the parts of his book.他的书各个部分之间没有关联。Some of the author's intimate correspondence was published after her death.那位作者去世后,部分私人信件被出版。Personally, I found some parts of the book a little too technical to follow.我个人认为,书中有些部分过于专业化,一般人不易看懂。She left out that part of the story.她把故事的那部分省略了。Certain of the payments were made on Mr Maxwell's authority.部分款项是经马克斯韦尔先生批准支付的。We may begin to discover overlaps.我们可能开始发现一致的部分了。I passed the written part easily but failed the oral section.我轻而易举地通过笔试部分,但口试却失败了。The money will go towards a new hospice.这笔钱将用于支付修建一座新的安养院的部分款项。He encouraged the audience to join in the chorus.他鼓励观众和他一起合唱副歌部分He recognized the valid arguments that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中合理的部分I think this is partly a political and partly a legal question.我认为这部分是政治问题,部分是法律问题。The film lapses into mawkish sentimentality near the end.电影到结局部分成了令人生厌的滥情戏。French filmmakers say American remakes are losing something in the translation.法国电影人说美国翻拍的版本丧失了原作的部分精髓。Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.在礁石上可以看到上千种鱼是礁石的部分魅力所在。




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