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词汇 paramedics
例句 Had the paramedics not acted so swiftly, he would have died.要不是急救人员行动迅速,他就没命了。The paramedics lifted the stretcher into the ambulance.护理人员将担架抬上了救护车。Armed officers swarmed to the scene as paramedics waited on red alert.大批武装警察前往现场,护理人员随时待命。The combined efforts of four police officers and two paramedics were needed to lift the driver from the wreckage.四名警察和两名医务辅助人员一起出力才把驾驶员从残骸里抬出来。The paramedics pushed through the crowd.医护人员挤过人群。The paramedics told the crowd to stand back.护理人员让人群往后站。The paramedics rolled him onto the gurney.护理人员帮他翻滚到轮床上。By the time the paramedics got to him, he was stone-dead.当急救人员赶到他身边时,他已经死了。The paramedics found me unconscious on the floor.护理人员发现我倒在地板上不省人事。




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