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词汇 paralysed
例句 She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.她想尖叫,但她的声带好像不听使唤了。The fall had left him permanently paralysed.这一跤跌得他终身瘫痪。The accident left him paralysed from the neck down.那次事故使他颈部以下全部瘫痪。He was suddenly paralysed by fear.他突然被吓得不知所措。Strike action has paralysed the region's public transport system.罢工行动使该地区的公共交通系统陷入瘫痪状态。A railway strike would have paralysed the country.一次铁路工人大罢工会使整个国家陷入瘫痪。Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city.该城市的大部分地区机动车车流陷于停顿。A sudden snowstorm paralysed the city.突然袭来的暴风雪使该城陷入瘫痪。He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear.他知道他应该扣动扳机,但突然间害怕得动弹不得。Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident.她已婚的妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。The rail network has been paralysed by heavy snow.这个铁路交通网因大雪而陷入瘫痪。In recent months its government has been paralysed by political squabbling.最近几个月来,其政府已经因政治口水战而陷入瘫痪状态。He was partially paralysed by the fall.这次跌跤造成他身体局部瘫痪。There was a grave risk that the operation would leave him partly paralysed.手术风险很大,可能会使他落得半身瘫痪。Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.在撞车事故中她的双腿部分瘫痪。The accident left her paralysed.那次事故使她瘫痪了。The strike paralysed / paralyzed the port.罢工使港口陷入瘫痪。A stroke paralysed half his face.中风使他半边脸瘫痪。A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。He was paralysed with fear at the sight of the oncoming train.看到驶来的火车,他吓呆了。The city was paralysed by general strikes.总罢工使该市陷入瘫痪。She was so paralysed with fear that her mentality went to pieces.她吓得呆若木鸡,精神彻底垮了。The strike has virtually paralysed the island.这场罢工实际上使这座岛屿陷入瘫痪。Her sister had been paralysed in a road accident.她妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke, and could not move or speak.伯罗斯夫人因中风瘫痪,不能行动,也不能说话。The injection leaves the nerves paralysed.这支注射剂使神经麻痹。Hannah was temporarily paralysed on the right side.汉娜右半身暂时瘫痪。For weeks now the government has been paralysed by indecision.到现在,政府已因无力决断陷入瘫痪达数周。The disease left him with a paralysed right arm.那场病造成他右臂瘫痪。My whole body was paralysed with fear.我吓得浑身发僵,动弹不得。He was absolutely paralysed with shock.他惊得呆若木鸡。The accident left him permanently paralysed.那次意外事故使他永久瘫痪了。Their father was paralysed by a stroke.他们的父亲因中风而瘫痪。He stood paralysed for a moment, and then ran away.他站在那里一时呆若木鸡,然后跑掉了。




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