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词汇 邻居
例句 She appreciated the friendliness of her neighbors.她感激邻居的友善。Her family became very friendly with their neighbors, the Mayers.她家与邻居迈耶一家人非常要好。His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。We must ask our new neighbours over for a drink.我们得请新邻居过来喝一杯。I was just chitchatting with my neighbor.我当时正和邻居聊天呢。Relations with our neighbors aren't very harmonious at the moment.目前我们与邻居的关系不很融洽。People like to pass the time of day with neighbours.人们喜欢和邻居寒暄。Last week he revisited his old neighbourhood.上星期他再次探望了他的老邻居In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends.大部分家具在搬家的时候都留给了邻居或送了朋友。He makes such a racket I'm afraid he disturbs the neighbours.他如此大声喧闹,我怕他打扰了邻居Our neighbours are OK, I suppose, but they're so dull!我们的邻居为人都不错,只是太没趣了!The fact that none of the neighbors ever reported the abuse has baffled authorities.没有一个邻居曾经报告过这宗虐待案,令当局困惑。If you travel by jet plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are virtually neighbours.倘若乘坐喷气机旅行,东京和上海简直可算是邻居The police inquired of his neighbors if they knew where he was.警方向他的邻居询问其下落。Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They went at it for almost an hour.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵了将近一个小时。Friends and neighbours joined police officers to search for clues.朋友和邻居也一起协助警察查找线索。He was amused by the foibles of his eccentric neighbor.邻居那些怪异的小毛病让他觉得好笑。Our neighbours were an old retired couple.我们的邻居是一对退休的老夫妇。We live in peace with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处。Our neighbors were aggravated by all the noise.这些噪声使我们的邻居很烦恼。During the summer, he would do odd jobs for his neighbors to earn extra money.夏天,他总会给邻居打零工赚点外快。Inconsiderate neighbours can be a real annoyance.不体恤他人的邻居会非常讨人嫌。They often gossip with each other about their neighbors.他们常常彼此说自己邻居的闲话。His neighbors knew him as a quiet and friendly person, but the people he worked with saw a different side of him.他的邻居认为他是个平和、友好的人,但跟他一起工作的人看到的却是他的另一面。Our neighbors are being unusually friendly.我们的邻居一直格外地友好。He was annoyed by his neighbor's meddling.他对邻居的好管闲事有点生气。When our washing machine broke, our neighbours let us use theirs.我们的洗衣机坏了的时候,邻居就让我们用他们的。The two men became neighbours.这两个男人成了邻居That tree in the neighbour's garden blocks out a lot of our light.邻居花园里的那棵树挡住了我们很多光线。There were allegations that he racially harassed neighbours.有人指控他对邻居进行过种族骚扰。Our neighbors are being unusually friendly lately.我们的邻居最近格外友好。He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour.他引用了一个中国谚语,大意是不应对邻居心存恶念之类的。Neighbours raised the alarm when they smelled smoke.邻居闻到烟味便发出了警报。Living next to your in-laws can be a mixed blessing.和姻亲做邻居有利有弊。I can't help casting covetous looks at my neighbour's new Porsche.我忍不住对邻居的新保时捷车垂涎欲滴。They exert a strong cultural/economic influence over their neighbors in the region.他们对所在地区的邻居有很大的文化/经济影响。Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They were going at it hammer and tongs.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵得很凶。People clearly lament the loss of community.人们显然对失去社区中的邻居而感到痛惜。In the tiny town where I grew up, my family and most of our neighbors were dirt poor.在我长大的小镇上,我家和大多数邻居当时都处于赤贫状态。I had to baby-sit for our neighbour's cat while they were on vacation.邻居外出度假时我得照料他们的家猫。




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