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The storm intensified by degrees until the rain was pouring down.暴风雨逐渐增强,最后大雨倾盆而下。The music swelled.音乐声逐渐增强。After a nervous start, the speaker began to gain confidence.演讲者开始有点紧张,之后信心逐渐增强了。The music crescendoes and stops.音乐逐渐增强然后戛然而止。The protest gathered strength little by little.抗议的力量逐渐增强。A tropical storm is gathering strength in the eastern Atlantic.在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。A child's awareness of being an individual grows in stages during the pre-school years.孩子的个体意识在入学前的几年中逐渐增强。The excitement was beginning to build before the game.开赛前,兴奋的气氛就开始逐渐增强。She tried hard to squash the feeling of fear that was growing inside her.她极力打消心中逐渐增强的恐惧感。A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic.在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。 |