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He just can't cut the mustard any more.他就是无法再次达标。Regular checks are required in order that safety standards are maintained.需要定期检查以确保安全方面达标。I'm trying to get my math skills up to snuff.我在努力使自己的数学技能达标。It's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.要让他们达标,需要不断努力。The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.报告把事故归咎于安全方面没有达标。She was checking to see if his work was up to par.她正在检查他的工作是否达标。It is a failing school with some of the worst results in the city.那所学校教学质量不达标,有些成绩是市里最差的。Her work hasn't been up to par lately.最近她的工作一直不达标。We are off target in terms of sales this quarter.我们这一季度的销售达标无望。Your work is below standard.你的工作不达标。The company has stayed ahead of the game by meeting new government standards before they go into effect.这家公司在政府新标准实施前就已经达标,占据了有利地位。Your grammar is not quite up to the mark.你的语法还没完全达标。 |