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词汇 cheapskate
例句 Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate.告诉你丈夫,别跟个守财奴似的。Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate.劝劝你丈夫,叫他别那么小气。That cheapskate took his date to a cafeteria.那个小气鬼居然把女友带到自助餐馆约会。The cheapskate didn't even pay for the cab.这个小气鬼竟然连出租车费都不肯付。My dad's such a cheapskate that he cuts his hair himself.我爸爸真是个吝啬鬼,连他的头发都自己剪。He is a cheapskate who almost never gives tips.他是个小气鬼,几乎从来不付小费。Howard rode with us in the taxi, but the cheapskate didn't offer to pay any of the fare.霍华德和我们一起乘出租车,但是这个守财奴连一分车钱都不肯出。




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