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词汇 Check
例句 Check that the car wheels are in correct alignment.查看一下汽车轮子是否校正了。Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.查看一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。Check out our online discussion forum.查看一下我们的网上讨论的论坛。Check your work carefully for any spelling mistakes.仔细检查一下写好的东西中有没有拼写错误。Check that the boards are all securely fixed.检查一下是不是所有木板都钉牢了。Check the list carefully, item by item.请逐项认真核对清单。Check that you have everything before you leave. It will save your having to go back again.离开前检查一下随身物品,以免再跑回来一趟。Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.要经常检查绳索,因为与岩石摩擦会使它磨损。Check that every punctuation mark is in the right place.检查标点符号是否使用准确。Check joints are secure and the wood is sound.检查一下连接处是否稳固及木料是否结实。Check that your printer is connected and the power is turned on.检查一下打印机是否已连上,电源是否已打开。Check that you have the authorized version of the software.检查一下你的软件是否有正式授权。Check your manual for details.详情请参阅手册。Check the names off the list to make sure everyone is here.核对名单上的名字,看大家是不是都到了。Check that the meat is cooked thoroughly before serving it.把肉端上去以前检查一下是否已完全熟了。Check for seepage in the basement.检查一下地下室的渗漏情况。Check your contract carefully, or you may have no comeback if something goes wrong.仔细检查一下你的合同,否则出了什么差错的话你可能得不到任何赔偿。Check your essay carefully for spelling mistakes.仔细检查文章中有没有拼写错误。Check the oil level of your car.检查一下你汽车的油面高度。Check if you can fold the buggy without having to remove the raincover.看看你是否能不用拿掉防雨罩就把童车折叠起来。Check all radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections.检查所有的散热器是否有细小的裂缝,尤其是管道连接处。Check your spelling and grammar.检查你的拼写和语法。Check whether you are entitled to a discretionary grant for your course.确定你是否有权酌情行事。Check the roof for loose slates.检查一下房顶,看石板瓦松了没有。Check your house for weak spots where a thief could enter.检查一下你的房子看有没有容易让小偷溜进来的地方。Check your change before leaving the shop.离开商店前看一下找零对不对。Check that the buyer's name matches the name on the credit card.核实购买者的姓名与信用卡上的姓名是否一致。Check the seams to see if there's enough material to let it out at the waist.看看接缝处的面料够不够把腰围放大一些。Check the airport monitors for arrivals and departures.检查一下机场监控器,看看到港和出发的航班。Check with your travel agent for the best rates.向你的旅行代理人查询最优惠的价钱。Check that all the doors are locked securely.去看一下所有的门都锁好了没有。Check that the equipment is operating in a safe manner.检查一下这个设备是否在安全地运转。Check that the bolts are secured, or an accident could result.检查螺栓是否紧固,不然可能会发生事故。Check all your wiring before switching on the current.开启电流前要检查所有供电线路。Check the oil level in your car every week.每周都检查一下汽车的机油量。Check both sets of results to see if they tally.把两组结果都检查一下,看看是否一致。Check to make sure that all the windows are shut.检查一下,确保所有窗户都关好了。Check that the baby's okay.看看孩子是否还好。Check the flue and chimney for blockages.检查烟道和烟囱是否有堵塞物。Check that the rope is taut before climbing.攀登之前要检查绳子是否拉紧了。




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