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England has been selected to play Germany in the draw for the first round of the World Cup.世界杯足球赛上英格兰队抽到签第一轮和德国队较量。The next election will be a close contest.下一次选举将是一次势均力敌的较量。She's a good player but she'll meet her match when she plays Sara.她是个非常优秀的选手,但与萨拉较量算是遇上了对手。He fought with several worthy opponents.他和几个优秀的对手较量过。The dispute was regarded as a trial of strength by the unions.这场争论被工会看作是实力的较量。They will compete one-on-one for the championship.他们将为争夺冠军而展开一对一的较量。The college president fought a running battle with the editors of the student newspaper.大学校长与学生报编辑们进行了旷日持久的较量。The action is the latest in a long-running battle between the US and Canada relating to Cuban relations.这一举动是美加在古巴关系上一场旷日持久的较量中最新的发展。The world had witnessed a titanic struggle between two visions of the future.世界见证了两种对未来的构想之间的激烈较量。Celebrity teams pit their wits against each other in this lively quiz show.名人参赛队在这一妙趣横生的智力游戏节目中互相斗智较量。He won the battle/clash of wills with his wife. 在与妻子的意志较量中他取得了胜利。He wants to fight the champ? That's a hot one.他想和冠军去较量?真是让人笑掉大牙。It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion.是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情。Just because sibling rivalry is normal doesn't mean you should ignore it.只是因为兄弟姐妹间的较量常见并不等于说应该忽视这个现象。He'll be competing against the world's best.他将和世界上最优秀的人才较量。It was the expression of a man who'd won a trifling game of one-upmanship.这是一个人在无关紧要的较量中取巧获胜时流露出的表情。She has played against some of the best tennis players in the world.她和几位世界最优秀的网球选手较量过。A mum slashed a neighbour's car tyre and challenged her to a fight after their daughters fell out.两家的女儿吵起来后,一个妈妈划破了邻居的车胎,说要和她较量较量。Tomorrow's match against Portugal is expected to be the big event of the season.明天与葡萄牙队的较量将是本赛季的一场重大赛事。I'd rather not do battle with the Sunday hordes at the garden centre.我可不想和周日混迹在花园中心的那帮人较量。He is opposed by two other candidates.还有两名候选人和他较量。I'm desperate to pit myself against the best in Europe.我非常渴望和欧洲的顶尖高手较量。No one wants to give him a game because he's too good.没有人想和他较量,因为他太出色了。He's always loved pitting his skills against the forces of nature.他总喜爱用自己的技能与大自然展开较量。He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight.如果公平较量,他也许能将我们所有人都轻易打败。Climate reflects a basic struggle between constancy and change.气候反映了稳定与变化之间的基本较量。It's pretty tough mixing it with the world's best players.要和世界顶尖运动员较量难度很大。The company is prepared to compete head-to-head with the market giants.这家公司已准备好与市场上的大公司展开正面较量。Stanford will face UCLA in a rematch.斯坦福队将与加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校队展开第二回合较量。The betting on the next election is very close.预计下届选举将是一场势均力敌的较量。Gabb will be matched against Fay in the semifinal.加布将在半决赛中和费伊较量。Police have gained the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.警方在与该地区的毒品贩子的较量中占据了上风。The couple are locked in a bitter legal battle over custody of their children.这对夫妇在争夺孩子监护权的法律较量中打得难解难分。It narrowed down to a mere contest of endurance.这件事结果纯粹成了耐力的较量。The workers' strike became a difficult battle of wills between the company and the labor union.工人罢工演变成公司与工会之间一场艰难的意志较量。Supporters of the bill are in a showdown with the opposition.该法案的支持者与反对者正在进行最后的较量。In a third they were in a contest with a lion, and many had been traumatically injured by the battle.第三轮是他们与狮子较量,很多人在搏斗中受了伤。It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties.这仍然是两大主要反对党之间一场势均力敌的较量。Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。This was one man pitted against the universe.这是一个人与宇宙的较量。 |