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例句 The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两艘驳船中较近的那艘可能有一英里远。He went back into the bedroom, slipped into the nearer bed, and said goodnight.他回到卧室,悄悄爬上离他较近的那张床,道了声晚安。He steered a shot between the goalkeeper and the near post.他把球从守门员和较近的球门柱之间射入。Even younger wines have the characteristic goût of the Sauvagnin.连年份较近的葡萄酒也有萨伐银酒独特的味道。San Francisco has a significant immigrant population because of its proximity to Asia.圣弗朗西斯科因为距离亚洲较近而拥有大量的移民人口。The cell phone is a relatively recent phenomenon. It's difficult at the moment to assess its effects.手机是一个较近出现的现象,目前还难以评估其影响。




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