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词汇 较轻
例句 Her husband, who was driving, was less seriously hurt.开车的是她丈夫,受伤较轻Kieran Coonan QC told the judge in mitigation that the offences had been at the lower end of the scale.御用大律师基兰·库南对法官说这些罪行情节较轻,希望能够从宽判决。He agreed to plead to a lesser charge of manslaughter.他同意承认过失杀人的较轻指控。Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?他们会在其余土地上实施较轻程度的集约化耕种吗?The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings.街上发生了一次剧烈爆炸,相邻的建筑物内也发生了几次程度较轻的爆炸。Aged men and women are encouraged to leave work before normal retirement to release jobs for younger, unemployed people.老年男女受到鼓励在未到正常退休年限就离职,以将职位让给年龄较轻的失业人员。She agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge.她对一项较轻的罪行认了罪。Aspirin is useful expedient for dulling minor pain.阿司匹林是缓解较轻疼痛的有用应急药物。They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.他们承认了刑事损害这一较轻的罪名。He was charged with the lesser crime of possession.他以较轻的非法持有罪被指控。If you have only mild symptoms, try an over-the-counter treatment.如果症状较轻,试试用非处方药来治疗。Traffic congestion is a problem in the city and, to a lesser extent, the suburbs. 城区有交通堵塞问题,郊区也有,只是程度较轻The lighter material floats upwards, carrying heat to the surface of the liquid.较轻的材料向上浮,将热量带到液体表面。The magistrate's court has a dual function: to try minor cases and consider whether in more serious cases there is enough evidence for a trial to take place.地方治安法庭具有双重职能:审理罪行较轻的案件,以及斟酌较为严重的案件是否有足够的证据进行审讯。She pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.她承认了一项罪责较轻的指控。The accused men have been given relatively light sentences.被控告的这些男子受到相对较轻的判决。She and her lawyers accepted a lesser plea of manslaughter.她和她的律师们接受过失杀人的较轻罪名。He was given a comparatively lenient fine.他被处以相对较轻的罚金。A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy.制造商们遇到的一个问题是,重量较轻的汽车往往噪音大。Coxes are often small, light people.舵手通常是体重较轻的小个子。




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