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词汇 该市
例句 After a night of rioting, tensions in the city reached fever pitch.一夜骚乱之后,该市的紧张气氛达到顶点。The mayor proclaimed Monday as a city holiday.市长宣布星期一为该市假日。The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city.由于害怕遭受更多的袭击,大多数市民已逃离该市The city is under threat from a plague of rats.该市处于鼠患的威胁之下。We organized a food drive for the city's homeless shelters.我们为该市无家可归者收容所组织了一场食品募捐活动。The city was skirting the abyss of financial ruin.该市正处于财政崩溃的边缘。A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.一起与毒品有关的帮派火并引发了该市一连串的枪击事件。The city's museums offer a multitude of cultural possibilities.该市的博物馆提供多种文化选择。Visitors to the city should follow police advice and not resist muggers.该市旅游的游客应听从警方忠告,不要抵抗行凶抢劫者。The city was declared to be in a state of siege.该市被宣布处于封锁状态。Federal troops were positioned around the city.联邦军队在该市周围驻扎。Any development in the city center is dictated by the city's historic preservation laws.市中心的任何扩建发展都受该市的历史文物保护法所限制。The chief of police said that he was committed to wiping out vice in the city.警察局长说他将坚定不移地扫除该市的犯罪行为。There have been reports of terrorist outrages in the north of the city.有报道称该市北部地区发生了恐怖主义暴行。The doctor has operated in the city for years.这位医生已在该市行医多年。Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station.红、白、蓝彩旗装点着该市修复一新的火车站。The city bears the imprint of Japanese investment.该市带有日本投资的深刻印记。The rebels hoped that many of the government troops would join them when they drew near to the city.叛军希望在逼近该市的时候,会有许多政府军加入他们。Visibility at the city's airport came down to zero.此前该市机场的能见度降为零。The city passed an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9.00 PM.该市通过一条法令强令晚上九点关闭一切室外照明。Criminal gangs control all the drugs, gambling and prostitution in the city.犯罪团伙控制了该市所有的毒品交易、赌博和卖淫活动。The city was blacked out for the title fight.电视不对该市播出这次拳击冠军赛实况。They were pressing on eastwards towards the city's small airfield.他们继续向东朝该市的小机场推进。The city's location is a plus factor for tourists.该市的位置是一个吸引游客的有利因素。The Pope is visiting some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the city.教皇正在走访该市一些最穷困的地方。Truckloads of food, blankets, and other necessities reached the city.一卡车一卡车的食物、毯子和其他必需品运抵该市For assistance, they turned to one of the city's most innovative museums.他们求助于该市最具创新风格的一家博物馆。The city will tear down the building and create a park.该市将拆掉这幢大楼,在这儿建个公园。Up ahead we could see the bright lights of the city coming into view.我们可以看见该市明亮的灯光在前面不远处闪烁。The city was paralysed by general strikes.总罢工使该市陷入瘫痪。Several local news programs reported the rumor, but the city newspaper took the high road and waited to see if anyone could confirm the story.当地几个电视新闻节目报道了这个谣传,但该市报业媒体体现出了应有的职业道德,静观是否有人能够确认这一报道。The police are looking for more effective ways to combat drugs gangs in the city.警方在寻找更有效的方法对付该市的贩毒集团。They live in the east of the city.他们住在该市的东部。The city's hospitals are overburdened by casualties.大量伤员使该市的医院不堪重负。The demonstrators marched down the main street of the city.示威群众沿该市主要大街游行。Last year saw a slight increase in car accidents in that city.该市去年车祸的次数略有上升。The city's problems are symptomatic of the crisis spreading throughout the country.该市的问题是正在全国蔓延的危机征候的显现。Last year, the city hosted a three-day gay pride festival.去年,该市举行了为期三天的同性恋骄傲节。The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。




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