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例句 Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.匈牙利已表示愿意签订该条约。The treaty gave Britain the right to opt out of the single European currency system.该条约使英国有权不加入欧洲单一货币体系。He solidified his commitment to the treaty, giving a forceful speech in favour of it.他发表了支持该条约的立场鲜明的讲话,进一步强调了他信守条约的承诺。The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.该条约的签署是欧洲一体化进程中的一个重要里程碑。The treaty prohibits nations from making claims in outer space.该条约禁止各国在外太空有任何要求。The treaty pledged mutual assistance in the event of an attack on either country.该条约承诺,两国如有一方受袭,另一方要给予援助。Your argument devolves on how you interpret this clause.你的论证取决于你如何解读该条款。The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的国会尚未批准该条约。He had no difficulty in persuading parliament to approve the treaty.他毫不费力地说服了议会通过该条约。The treaty will be signed on US soil.该条约将在美国国土上签署。A majority continue to support the treaty.大多数人继续支持该条约。This seems to me a very liberal interpretation of the clause.在我看来,这是对该条款的一种很自由的解读。Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.调查表明,该条约的支持者仍然占大多数。Troops were sent into the area to enforce the treaty.部队被派遣到这一地区来执行该条约。The treaty would not allow any country to produce, acquire, or retain chemical weapons.该条约不允许任何国家生产、购买或保留化学武器。The treaty should strengthen ties between the two countries.该条约应该会加强两国之间的联系。The treaty was imposed by force, and therein lay the cause of its ineffectiveness.该条约是通过武力强行签订的,它之所以执行不力,原因就在于此。The Foreign Secretary's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.外交大臣就该条约发表的观点不仅被详细记录下来,而且被屡屡提及。Many right-wing politicians opposed the treaty.许多右翼政治家反对该条约。The Foreign Secretary's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。Several nations decided to withhold their support for the treaty.好几个国家决定不支持该条约。Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意调查表明三分之二的多数支持批准该条约。A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.联盟本来可以击败政府并毁掉该条约的。The treaty has never been incorporated into British law.该条约从未被纳入英国法律。Each country should honour the spirit of the treaty.每个国家都应尊重该条约的精神。Most countries have signed the treaty but some are reluctant to fall into line.大多数国家已签署了该条约,但是有些国家不愿顺从。The act contains regulations for financial institutions.该条例含有对金融机构的规定。France was the only European power not to sign the treaty.法国是唯一拒绝签署该条约的欧洲大国。Under the treaty, both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons.根据该条约的规定,双方将签字放弃他们三分之一的核武器。France originally refused to sign the treaty.最初法国拒绝签署该条约。This offer is open to all comers, so long as they own a home.该条件适合于有住宅的所有申请者。He should recommit the US to enforcing the treaty.他应当再次敦促美国执行该条约。They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.他们希望该条约能够为东南亚带来和平与稳定。Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority.多个调查显示,支持该条约的人仍然占多数。We have to face the reality that, so far, the treaty has had little effect.我们必须正视该条约至今仍没有多少效力这一现实。The treaty is far from perfect, but it is clearly the way forward.该条约远非完美,但显然方向是正确的。The Republicans do not have the political muscle to prevent the treaty being rejected by Congress.共和党没有足够的政治实力来防止国会否决该条约。




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