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Her popularity rose/soared to great heights.她的人气蹿升到了超乎寻常的高度。We should stop the blowout in surgery costs.我们要叫停外科手术费的蹿升。Huang catapulted to the top of China's rich-list last year.黄去年骤然蹿升至中国富豪排行榜榜首位置。Meals and spa treatments can quickly escalate your hotel bill.餐饮和温泉洗浴会使住酒店的费用蹿升。Mason's temper flared when he spotted his girlfriend kissing another man.梅森看到他的女朋友在亲吻别的男人,火气一下子蹿升上来。The song became an instant classic and shot to number one.这首歌立时成为经典,蹿升到第一位。 |