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词汇 workmen
例句 The workmen were already digging out the foundations for the building.工人们已经在挖大楼的地基。The foreman kept tab on the workmen.工头监视着工人们。Ten workmen breathed in poisonous gas.十名工人吸入了有毒气体。The workmen exposed the gas pipe.工人们挖开地面使煤气管露出。The street was silent except for the occasional burst of laughter from one of the workmen.街上静悄悄的,偶尔传来某个工人的大笑声。The workmen are coming to put the new windows in today.今天工人要来装新窗户。A gang of workmen were repairing the road.一群工人在修路。The workmen began to dig up the lot next door for a basement.工人们开始为建造房屋的地下室而挖掘毗邻的那块土地。All we saw were a few workmen's cottages dotted here and there along the road.我们沿途看到的只有星星点点的几处工人宿舍。Many workmen were allured from the country.许多劳工被诱出国。It was so hot that the workmen just marked time.天气那么炎热,工人们只是磨磨洋工罢了。 The foreman abused the workmen in the foulest language.工头用最肮脏的语言辱骂工人。The workmen set the box down carefully on the floor.工人们把箱子小心地放到地上。In University Square workmen are building a steel fence.在大学广场上,工人们正在修建钢栅栏。Plumbers, carpenters, and other workmen finished the new house quickly.管道工、木工及其他工匠很快完成了这幢新房子。The workmen used a crane to lift sacks of cement from the ship.工人们用起重机把水泥包吊下船来。The workmen often didn't turn up.这些工人经常旷工。The company was taking workmen on.这家公司正在招工。The workmen trampled on my flower bed.工人们踩坏了我的花坛。The workmen are concreting the road.工人们在用混凝土铺路。The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete.工人们把沙,石子和水泥混和成混凝土。The workmen who are fixing the plumbing/windows/roof have left their tools behind.修理管道/窗户/屋顶的工人忘了带走他们的工具。The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble.工人们从采石场采得一块很大的大理石。The boss wreaked his anger on the workmen.老板拿工人出气。The coarseness of her cursing amazed the workmen.她骂人的那些粗话让工人们大吃一惊。The workmen began digging a hole in the middle of the road.工人开始在路中央挖一个洞。The workmen shovelled gravel onto the road.工人们把碎石铲到路面上。A gang of workmen has been digging a hole in the road.一伙工人一直在路上挖洞。It takes cunning workmen to make such elaborate furniture.能工巧匠才能制作如此精致的家具。The job is taking a long time because the workmen are so slack.这项工作花费了很长时间,因为工人很懒散。The workmen were bathed in sweat.工人们汗流浃背。The workmen have finished loading.工人们已装货完毕。Tanned workmen were sitting around the dock.皮肤晒得黑黝黝的工人们围坐在码头上。One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness.一个工人因酗酒被解雇。The workmen have already packed up and left.工人们已经收工离开了。A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a lorry.一组工人正在往卡车上铲碎石。The workmen manipulated some knobs and levers.工人们操纵一些旋钮和控制杆。She blushed at the wolf-whistles from the workmen as she passed by.她因从那些男工身旁经过时有人朝她挑逗地吹口哨而脸红。




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