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This made it possible to estimate the effect of workplace ventilation.这样就能够估计工作场所的通风效果。No one's irreplaceable in the workplace.职场上没有人是无法替代的。Different people bring different perspectives and values to the workplace.在工作单位里,不同的人有不同的想法和价值观。Companies are being urged to do more to promote equal opportunities in the workplace.公司被敦促采取更多措施,在公司内为员工创造平等的机会。The plan was designed to help women and minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace.这一计划旨在帮助女性和少数群体克服在工作场所受到的歧视。The course helps women learn how to be more assertive in the workplace.这门课程帮助女性学会在工作场所如何更加自信。An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.拥挤的工作空间可能是压力的一个主要来源。Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.计算机给工作场所带来了巨大的变化。US workers have little workplace protection but at least have bargaining rights.美国工人几乎没有工作场所保护,但是他们至少拥有交涉权。She played a key role in campaigning for equal opportunities in the workplace.她在争取工作场所机会均等的运动中起到了关键作用。The number of workplace accidents is increasing, but it is not clear who or what is responsible.工伤事故的数量在增加,但责任人或原因不明。The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。Foul language will not be tolerated in the workplace.工作场所不准讲粗话。She made the difficult leap from college to the workplace.她经历了从大学到职场的艰难转变。It was the employer's responsibility to improve workplace safety.提高工作场所的安全性是雇主的责任。Her company ran its own workplace nursery.她的公司开办了内部的托儿所。The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.公司聘请鲍勃对他们的工作规程进行独立审查。Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions.不要让工作中的一点烦心事打击了你的雄心抱负。There remain major inequalities of opportunity in the workplace.职场上仍存在严重的机会不均等现象。The survey asks workers about facilities in their workplace.这次调查向工人们询问了他们工作场所的设施情况。Giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace.只提出批评而不表扬,这种策略在工作场所很少行得通。Employees were asked to keep a detailed record of any accidents that occurred in the workplace.工作场所不管发生什么意外情况,他们都要求员工作好详细的记录。The study suggests a strong link between workplace culture and a business's financial performance.该项研究说明职场文化与公司的财务业绩密切相关。Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.工会领袖们即将赢得争取工作场所权利斗争的胜利。The company has softened its stance on dating in the workplace.公司对于在工作场所约会的态度缓和了。He has antediluvian notions/ideas about the role of women in the workplace.他对职场女性的角色有着陈旧的观念/想法。The workplace is the last bastion of totalitarianism.工作场所乃是最后一个坚不可摧的堡垒。There is a move towards greater equality for women in the workplace.在工作场所,妇女的地位正变得越来越平等。Lauder urged the company to develop a set of guidelines that address sexual harassment in the workplace.劳德敦促公司针对工作场所的性骚扰问题制订出一套规定。Better workplace design can bring real gains in productivity.更合理地安排工作场所能大大提高生产率。The study found that women were often reduced to secondary roles in the workplace.研究发现女性在工作场所经常沦为附属的角色。For many mothers, one of the attractions of childcare in the workplace is the chance to be near their children.对许多母亲来说,工作的地方可以托管孩子的好处在于她们可以离孩子很近。We offer guidance to employers on workplace equality.我们给雇主提供有关工作场所平等的指导。Many people in the workplace are set completely unrealistic targets.该车间里的许多人被定以完全不现实的指标。Many companies have imposed curbs on smoking in the workplace.许多公司已经限制在工作场所吸烟。The new laws are designed to stop discrimination in the workplace.这些新的法律是为了防止工作场所出现歧视而制定的。Does racial discrimination still exist in the workplace?职场上还存在种族歧视吗?Women have fought for parity with men in the workplace.女性为实现工作中的男女平等而进行了斗争。We need effective strategies to combat sexual harassment in the workplace.我们需要采取有效策略对抗职场性骚扰。When a conflict arises in the workplace, you should aim to repair the relationship as quickly as possible.工作场所里发生冲突,就应该尽快努力修复关系。 |