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词汇 work on
例句 She was always happy to work on her own initiative, and set her own goals and deadlines.她一直喜欢独立开展工作,自定目标和期限。A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.请来一位教练帮她健身。We need someone to work on this job immediately. Who's available?我们需要立即有人来做这工作,谁有空?Put your best foot forward and work on the assumption that there is an acceptable solution to every problem you are likely to face.要尽力而为,要相信你可能遇到的每一个问题都会有一个适当的解决方案。He is still at work on the restoration.他仍忙着做维修工作。She set to work on the project immediately.她立即着手这一项目。She commanded that work on the bridge cease immediately.她命令立即停止桥梁施工。He worked on the symbolic monumental sculpture for Oscar Wilde's tomb.他为奥斯卡・王尔德的墓地雕刻了一尊具有象征意义的纪念雕塑。She got a legal dream team to work on the case.她找到最好的律师团队来处理这个案子。American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty.美国司法的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是无罪的。That day he spied on her while pretending to work on the shrubs.那天,他假装在修剪灌木,秘密对她进行监视。After their work on the car their hands were besmeared with dirt.修完汽车后,他们手上沾满了污垢。The manager is very strict about people getting to work on time.经理严格要求人们准时上班。He works on an offshore oil rig.他在海上钻井平台工作。Protesters held up work on the new road.抗议者阻延了新路的工程。The military is continuing to work on its missile defense system.军方在继续致力建设导弹防御系统。She shut herself away in her room to work on her novel.她把自己关在房间里写小说。Formerly he worked on a farm, but now he's a teacher.以前他在农场工作,但现在当教师。Finishing the work on time may take a bit of doing.按时完成这项工作可能很困难。It'll take months to finish the work on the house.要完成房子的整修工作将需要很长一段时间。She agreed to do the work on the understanding that she would be paid now.她同意做这份工作,条件是现在就付钱给她。You should never go to work on an empty stomach.你不应该空腹去上班。Having to work on Saturday night is the pits.星期六晚上还得工作真是糟糕透顶。I'm always played out by the time I finish work on Fridays.到了星期五干完工作的时候,我总是精疲力竭。You can't work on soda crackers and sardines.你光吃苏打饼干和沙丁鱼不行。He now works on the manufacturing side of the business.他现在在公司生产部门工作。His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina.他的舞技不错,但还需要提高耐力。They often leave prison ill-equipped for life and work on the outside.他们离开监狱时常常是一无所长,没有足够能力应付监狱外面的生活和工作。His commitment to the company is demonstrated by his work on the project.他对公司的忠诚,从他为这个项目所做的工作中得到了证明。She should be well enough to go back to work on Wednesday.她星期三就会好得差不多,可以回去工作了。I worked on the problem for days, until finally one day something clicked and I knew what I had to do.我好几天都在考虑这个问题,终于有一天豁然开朗,知道该怎么做了。He works on the oil rigs.他在石油钻塔上工作。He plans to start work on a new novel soon.他计划不久后开始创作一部新小说。He was born in the village and worked on the farm man and boy.他出生在这个村庄,在农场里干了一辈子。In his letter, Marx sketched out his ideas for a new work on the history of capitalism in Britain.马克思在信中简述了他关于英国资本主义历史的一部新著作的构思。We work on improving visual acuity.我们致力于提高视觉的敏锐度。He worked on without a break.他一直工作,没有休息。A rip in a repair worker's protective suit increases the risk of getting a shock as they work on the electricity lines.修理工防护服上的裂缝使他们在修理电线时受到电击的风险增加了。After finishing work on the remodeling project, she was able to turn her mind to other matters.完成了改建工程之后,她得以把精力转向其他事务。His works on religion were regarded as canonized books.他在宗教方面的著作被认为是正典的书籍。




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