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She did her first bungee jump last summer.去年夏天她第一次玩蹦极。He likes daring sports like bungee jumping and skydiving.他喜欢诸如蹦极和特技跳伞之类的冒险运动。Judy also found time to go bungee jumping.朱迪抽出时间去蹦极了。He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping.他看别人蹦极会间接感到刺激。The bridge provided a firm platform for the bungee jumpers.这座桥为蹦极者提供了稳固的平台。A few people were bungee jumping off the bridge while a crowd of people looked on.几个人在桥上玩蹦极,一群人在围观。 |