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词汇 troubling
例句 He dismissed the deeds as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他认为这些契据是伪造的,甚至不屑仔细察看。This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.这是一篇剖析民族主义的让人不安的文章。Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week.这星期她伤口一直很疼。I wouldn't dream of troubling you.我怎么也不想来麻烦你的。Why don't you tell me what's troubling you? It'll make you feel better.为什么不告诉我是什么让你心烦?这会让你好受些的。There is one thing that's been troubling me.有一件事一直苦恼着我。The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.溃疡已经折磨她好几年了。But most troubling of all was the simple fact that nobody knew what was going on.但最令人头疼的是根本没人知道正在发生什么事。The ulcer had been troubling her for years.这处溃疡已经折磨她好几年了。I asked her what was troubling her, but she didn't want to talk.我问她是不是有什么烦心事,但是她不想说。He dismissed them as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他甚至没有费心去检查就把它们判定为赝品了事。His right shoulder is troubling him.他的右肩很疼。The letter provided the answer to what had been troubling him.这封信解开了他一直以来的困扰。The company's bankruptcy was extremely troubling to Wall Street.这家公司的破产给华尔街带来了巨大麻烦。Discrimination is a problem that's been troubling America's social conscience for years.歧视是多年来困扰美国社会道德意识的一个问题。There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him.在他更为隐秘的潜意识深处,有什么事情困扰着他。A close look at the statistics reveals a troubling picture.仔细看过统计数据后,会发现情况令人担忧。He outgrew his troubling early years and became a bright child.他长成为一个聪明的孩子,不再像早年那样叫人头疼了。We had no thought of troubling you.我们本不想给你添麻烦。He left without even troubling to say goodnight.他连晚安都没说就走了。On New Year's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains.新年前夕,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。This incident raises troubling questions.这件事引出了一些令人担忧的问题。What's wrong? Is something troubling you?怎么啦?有什么烦心事吗?My back has been troubling me again.我的后背又开始疼了。You must talk to your daughter and find out what's troubling her.你必须跟女儿谈谈,了解是什么在让她烦恼。Is anything troubling you?.有什么事情让你烦恼吗?The fact that many people still do not understand this basic concept is both puzzling and troubling.很多人仍然不明白这基本的概念,这真令人费解和忧心。He yawns, not troubling to cover his mouth.他打了个哈欠,都懒得抬手遮一下嘴巴。He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.他似乎天生就是个独来独往的人,不愿意费神多交几个朋友。There are troubling signs in children's general health.儿童的整体健康状况出现了一些令人不安的迹象。




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