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词汇 跨越
例句 I drove my van across country just for the heck of it.我开着小货车跨越全国,就是为了好玩而已。There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier.没有理由认为爱情不应跨越年龄障碍。He summed up the challenge thusly: "The team has a big mountain to climb."他这样总结面临的挑战:“团队面前有一座大山需要跨越”。The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.到了跨越形式与真理的巨大鸿沟的时候了。Our membership base spanned every age.我们的会员跨越各年龄段。This is an easy way of crossing different social frontiers.这能轻松地跨越不同的社会界限。On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border.星期天,马匹被套在一辆沉重的马车上,准备踏上长达一天的跨越边境之旅。They believe that music can cross any barriers.他们相信音乐可以跨越任何障碍。The Alps straddle Switzerland, Austria and Germany.阿尔卑斯山脉跨越瑞士、奥地利和德国。There's a big jump from Grade Two to Grade Four.从二年级到四年级有一个很大的跨越The overland route is across some really tough mountains.这条陆上路线要跨越一些非常险峻的大山。The police investigation spanned three continents.警方的调查跨越三大洲。An old man's memory reaches back over many years.老人的记忆跨越岁月回到久远的往昔。The Mongol Empire spanned much of Central Asia.蒙古帝国跨越中亚的许多地区。We'll jump each hurdle as we come to it.我们会跨越我们遇到的每一道难关。The book covers the entire span of Arab history.这本书跨越了整个阿拉伯的历史。They put to sea in a car buoyed up by Styrofoam in a bold attempt to cross the Atlantic.他们开着一辆泡沫塑料助浮的汽车出海,大胆地尝试跨越大西洋。It's a span of a few hundred miles to cross the state.跨越这个州要走几百英里。It's a friendship which crosses the divide of social class.这是一种跨越社会阶层差异的友谊。The singers were warbling `Over the Rainbow'.歌手们在唱《跨越彩虹》这首歌。It is this multiplication of relationships across the barriers that gives me great hope.跨越重重障碍的姻缘越来越多,这带给我极大的希望。The movement of information across the border was closely regulated.跨越边界的信息流通受到严格的控制。The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.这家航空公司下个月将开辟一条新的跨越大西洋的航线。The jockey's horse fell at the first jump of the course.赛马手的马在跨越跑道上第一个障碍物时跌倒了。They didn't want to be the first ones to cross the colour line.他们不想成为率先跨越种族界限的人。Her horse fell at the water jump.她的马在跨越水沟障碍时失足摔倒。This would free them to transact business across state lines.这将使他们能够跨越州界进行交易。It can be a felony to transport wine across state lines.运送葡萄酒跨越州界可能被判重罪。Her research straddles mathematics and social sciences.她的研究跨越数学和社会科学领域。His career spanned half a century.他的职业生涯跨越了半个世纪。Mount Elgon straddles the border between Kenya and Uganda.埃尔贡山跨越肯尼亚和乌干达两国的边境。This job crosses the traditional boundary between social work and health care.这项工作跨越了社会工作与医疗保健之间的传统界限。




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