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例句 We provide health care outside any kind of institutional setting.我们提供不属于任何医疗机构服务范围的卫生保健服务。The primary duty of parents is to provide protection for their children.父母的首要职责是为子女提供保护。We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children.我们提供特别设计的购物车,以满足带幼儿的父母的需要。The schools are having to provide programs without adequate funding.有些学校没有足够的经费,却又不得不开办这些课程。The organization's aims are to provide food for homeless people and help them find somewhere to live.该组织的目标是为无家可归者提供食物并帮助他们找到住所。There are plans to provide full debt relief for some African countries.有些计划对一些非洲国家提供完全债务免除。The new factory will provide a much-needed boost to the local economy.新工厂将为地方经济注入一针急需的强心剂。We always endeavour to provide our customers with the highest standards of service.我们一直竭尽全力为我们的顾客提供最高标准的服务。It will provide the kick-start needed to fight stagflation.这将提供对付滞胀所需的动力。Hong Kong was having to provide for a growing number of refugees.香港当时不得不收容越来越多的难民。Consultants were brought in to provide some outside advice.请来顾问提供一些外界的建议。He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。We will provide room and board for them.我们将提供他们的食宿。The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods that live up to the quality of their description.店主有义务提供质量与其描述相符的商品。You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen.他们会要你提供血样。The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home.红十字会是作为前线士兵和后方家人的一种联系方式而创立起来的。The conference should provide an arena for marketing our products.那个大型会议可以成为我们推销产品的一个机会。The council must provide housing for young people whose welfare is seriously prejudiced.市政会必须为遭遇严重不幸的年轻人提供住房。Employers have an obligation to provide safe working conditions.雇主有义务提供安全的工作环境。The pillars, which are outside the building, are so placed in order to provide the maximum space inside.建筑物外面的柱子如此排列是为了能提供最大的室内空间。This type of exam does not provide a fair test of the student's knowledge.这种类型的考试不能公平地测试学生的知识水平。We have to provide against possible accidents.我们要为可能发生的意外作些准备。You'll need to provide continuous organized entertainment or children may get over-excited.你要提供连贯有序的娱乐活动,否则孩子们就会玩疯了。A great number of trees were felled to provide space for grazing.大量树木被砍伐,为放牧提供场地。A family can provide a buffer against stress at work.家庭能够起到缓冲工作压力的作用。We provide a maintenance service on all our products.我们对所有产品都提供维护服务。One more bank will provide sanction for both construction finance as well as home finance.还有一家银行将为建设及住宅资金提供支持。Auditors will be required to provide any information reasonably requested by the bank.审计员必须提供银行合理索要的任何信息。Social workers provide a vital link between hospital and community.社会工作者是医院和社区之间重要的联系纽带。Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.这种协议会规定相互之间的权利与义务。Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.公司融资是要为日常运作提供资金。The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy.新住宅的建设浪潮应当能刺激经济。These crustaceans provide a valuable food source for some fish.这些甲壳动物是某些鱼类重要的食物来源。How much does it cost an employer to provide daycare facilities?一个雇主为员工提供日托设施需要花多少钱?Wireless connections provide wireless access to computer networks.无线连接以无线方式接入计算机网络。The government has been unable to provide enough tents for all the refugees.政府没有能力提供足够的帐篷给所有的难民。We provide intensive care for seriously ill neonates.我们为病情严重的新生儿提供重症特别护理。The hospital is unable to provide the highly specialized care needed by very sick babies.医院无法为重症婴儿提供非常专业化的护理。Satellites are uniquely suited to provide this information.只有人造卫星能提供此类信息。Taxes provide most of the government's revenue.政府收入的大部分来自税收。




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