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词汇 provide for
例句 Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff.向酒店全体员工提供免费食宿。We have to provide for possible accidents.我们要为可能发生的意外作些准备。The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.法律规定最高可判处两年监禁。Elaine wouldn't let him provide for her.伊莱恩不愿让他养活自己。The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.法律规定最高可处以两年监禁。More housing is being provided for the naval station in Everett.更多的住房正在提供给爱弗瑞特海军基地。The party believes strongly that health care should be provided for everyone.该党坚信应该向每一个人提供医疗保健服务。The agreement provides for United Nations mediation between the two sides.这项协议规定,由联合国出面对双方进行调停。He worked hard to provide for his old age.他努力工作为养老预作准备。The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution.个人向上一级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。She stretched herself to provide for the family.她拼命工作来养家糊口。I'm sure that I shall be well able to provide for my wife and family.我确信我将完全能养活我的妻儿老小。These figures are provided for comparison with the results of previous studies.提供这些数据是用来和先前的研究进行比较。Both the petitioner and respondent provide for the upkeep of the children.离婚上诉方和被告方共同抚养子女。Duvets and pillows will be provided for codgers who fall asleep playing dominoes.将会给玩多米诺骨牌时睡着的老家伙们提供羽绒被和枕头。The budget provides for a salary increase after one year.这次预算为一年后工资上调作好了准备。Reading aids have been provided for partially sighted pupils.已为弱视的学生提供了助读工具。Nuclear power by itself cannot provide for all our energy needs.仅核能本身并不能提供我们所需的全部能源。He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family.他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。A student with special needs can stress a school's budget, but the bottom line is that the state must provide for the child's education.有特殊需求的学生可能增加学校财政负担,但归根结底,国家必须给孩子提供受教育的机会。He made his will to provide for equal lots for all his children.他立下遗嘱把财产平分给儿女们。People should provide for their own retirement and not expect to be supported by the public purse.人们应当为自己的退休做好准备,而不应指望由国家来赡养。He provides for his family.他养活他的家人。The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature.宪法规定通过选举组成两院制立法机构。Masks and foils are provided for fencing.击剑用的面具和花剑已经准备就绪。The film is about a maintenance man who juggles three jobs to provide for his family.这部影片讲的是一名维修技工为了养家糊口而同时打三份工的故事。The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences.该法案规定所有死刑判决都要自动接受审核。Several games were provided for the education and amusement of the children.有一些游戏供孩子们的教育和娱乐之用。A declining workforce has to provide for an increasing number of retired people.逐渐减少的劳动人口不得不供养越来越多的退休人员。Not enough funds were provided for the equipment of the troops.用于装备军队的资金不够。The law provides for the appointment of a new official.这条法律对新官员任命进行了规定。The new law provided for equality of human rights.新法律规定人人有平等的权利。Additional security was provided for the President's visit.他们为总统的到访加强了保安。Hong Kong was having to provide for a growing number of refugees.香港当时不得不收容越来越多的难民。He has a large family to provide for.他有一大家子人要养。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。Signing is provided for the hearing-impaired.手势示意是为听力受损者准备的。The funding provided for the project ought to have been enough.为这个项目提供的资金本该足够了。She was not well paid and found it difficult to provide for her family.她的薪水不高,很难养家糊口。The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature.宪法规定设置经选举产生的两院制立法机构。




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