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例句 An increasing amount of organic produce is to be found on supermarket shelves.越来越多的有机农产品将会出现在超市的货架上。More and more credit companies are using strongarm methods to collect debts.越来越多的信贷公司采用高压手段来收回欠款。Instead of working to keep their marriages, more and more people are taking the easy option and getting divorced.越来越多的人都是选择离婚图个省事,而不是去努力挽救自己的婚姻。Should a backlog of refugees develop, the government might open a refugee camp.要是急待安置的难民越来越多,政府可能会开设一个难民营。Milo is one of a growing number of politicians who have become dissatisfied with the current government.越来越多的政治家对现政府不满意,米洛就是其中之一。More older adults are choosing to join the ranks of college students.越来越多的老年人选择加入大学生行列。Support for electoral reform is growing.支持选举制度改革的人越来越多There is an increasing injection into the labour force of women.越来越多的妇女投入劳动大军。The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.督察们看见越来越多愤怒的示威者聚集到一起。There are an increasing number of recipe books with ideas for healthy meals that can be prepared quickly and easily.越来越多的烹饪书提供了简便的健康菜肴的做法。We are experiencing an increasing number of problems.我们正遇到越来越多的问题。Consumers are increasingly changing to low-fat milk.消费者越来越多地转向饮用低脂牛奶。Evidence of his guilt is accumulating.他的罪证越来越多Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.监狱里的犯人越来越多,人满为患,造成实实在在的危机。There has been increasing speculation over the company's future.对于该企业的未来有越来越多的猜测。Support for our candidate snowballed.我党候选人的支持者越来越多了。There is growing opposition to the new tax proposals.对新税收提议的反对意见越来越多Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.日本工业正越来越多地利用机器人。We can't go on putting more and more taxpayers' money into these projects without giving them some results.我们不能不断地把纳税者的钱越来越多地投到这些工程里,又拿不出什么结果来。Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities.越来越多的公司客户寻求将设施的管理外包出去。When it comes to parenthood, more and more women are deciding to go it alone.说到做母亲,越来越多的女性决定要独立持家。A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。Slanted media coverage is increasing public support for the war.有倾向性的媒体报道正使得越来越多的公众开始支持战争。An increasing number of Australians see the link to the British monarchy as irrelevant.越来越多的澳大利亚人把与英国君主政体之间的联系看成是无关的。There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest.越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势。Worried by repeated food scares, more and more people are buying organic products.受到一次又一次食物恐慌的惊吓,越来越多的人都买有机产品了。There is a growing literature on technological changes in developing countries.关于发展中国家技术进步的文献越来越多Wendy has been putting in more hours at the office recently.温迪最近在工作上花的时间越来越多It's increasingly common for the losers to go out kicking and screaming, and generally making fools of themselves.越来越多输掉比赛的人出来又踢又叫,一般都令自己大出洋相。More and more in these emancipated days, we find ourselves performing a complex balancing act between family and work.在这些获得了解放的日子里,我们越来越多地把精力耗费在处理家庭生活和工作的平衡这一复杂的问题上。Women are doing the job well. This is partly because women are increasingly moving into a man's world.女性工作出色,部分原因在于她们越来越多地涉足男性的领域。With more and more cars on the road, pollution levels are rising steadily.随着路上汽车越来越多,污染程度在持续加重。Owing to the rising cost of fuel, more people are using public transport.由于燃料涨价,越来越多的人开始使用公共交通。More and more borrowers are in default.越来越多的借款人拖欠所借款项。In recent times/years/months, etc. there has been an increase in the amount of violence on television.近来/几年/几个月,电视节目中的暴力内容越来越多More people are dumping waste illegally.越来越多的人在非法倾倒垃圾。More and more people are shopping on the Internet.网上购物的人越来越多Now, more and more people are realizing the importance of clean air.现在越来越多的人意识到净化空气的重要性。There is a growing body of evidence pointing to these effects.表明这些效应的证据越来越多In recent weeks the chorus of complaining has been growing.近几周出现了越来越多的抱怨声。




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