例句 |
She kept track of the cost overages.她记录了成本超额的情况。All good schools are oversubscribed.所有好学校的入学申请都超额了。He received triple pay for his extra work.他因超额工作得到三倍的报酬。If you budget to overpay your mortgage on a regular basis, you can save a lot of money.如果你能做好预算经常性的超额偿付按揭贷款,你能省下很多钱。There was no seat for me on the plane, because the airline had overbooked.飞机上没有我的座位,因为航空公司超额售票了。Some passengers have to be bumped through over-booking.由于航空公司划位超额,有些旅客不能搭乘原预定班机,只好改搭下一班。 |