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例句 Much of Central Europe receives its heaviest rains in the summer. Added to that, the jet stream has trapped the thunderstorms in a gigantic loop.中欧的很多地方在夏天迎来了最强的降雨。此外,急流把雷暴限制在了一个巨大的圆环里。The early morning mist was clearing to reveal a glorious day.清晨的薄雾渐渐散去,迎来了阳光灿烂的一天。The couple didn't know what the sex of their baby would be.这对夫妻当时不知道他们将要迎来的是男孩儿还是女孩儿。I was all ready to tell him that the relationship was over when he greeted me with a big bunch of flowers - that took the wind out of my sails.我已经准备好要告诉他我们分手吧,可他捧着一大束花向我迎来——这让我的心又软了下来。The fog had lifted and revealed a warm, sunny day.雾散了,迎来了温暖的、阳光明媚的一天。We are on the threshold of a new era in astronomy.我们很快就将迎来天文学的新纪元。A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists.长长的一阵紧锣密鼓声中迎来了高空秋千表演者。We have a very busy day ahead of us.今天我们将迎来非常忙碌的一天。The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.欧洲赛季的最后一场高尔夫球锦标赛就要迎来最激动人心的时刻。The area is expecting heavy snowfall this weekend.本周末这一地区将迎来大雪。The new library is expected to have heavy patronage. 新图书馆可望迎来大量读者的光顾。Boston is getting a lot of rain. Ditto New York. 波士顿将迎来多雨天气,纽约也一样。The plot takes us to Paris for the denouement of the story.故事的情节把我们带到巴黎,迎来结局。Tuesday's victory came hard on the heels of last week's shock defeat by Manchester United.上周意外败于曼联队之后,紧接着在星期二就迎来了一场胜利。The parish will be getting a new priest soon.这个教区将迎来一位新神父。Disney will claim its one billionth visitor before the end of the century.到本世纪末迪士尼将迎来其第十亿位游客。We ring in the new year with the church bells.我们用教堂的钟声迎来新年。The final whistle was greeted with triumphant cheers from players and spectators.终场的哨声迎来了运动员和观众胜利的欢呼。The park has just received its millionth visitor.公园刚刚迎来了它的第一百万名游客。The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.西部今天将迎来一场大的雨夹雪。Yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.天色破晓,迎来美好的新一天。Cold damp air brought in the new year under a blanket of fog.厚厚的一层雾伴着阴冷潮湿的空气迎来了新的一年。




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