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例句 We hopped over to Bruges for the weekend.我们飞速赶到布鲁日去度周末。The rescue team reached the stranded hikers this morning. 救援队今天上午赶到了徒步旅行者被困的地点。Jessica arrived nine hours after I booked into the hospital.我住院九个小时后杰西卡赶到了。With luck, we'll get there before it closes.走运的话,我们会在关门之前赶到By the time the sea rescue service arrived, the ship had gone under.海上救援队赶到时,船已沉没了。We made it home before the storm struck/broke. 我们在暴风雨来临之前赶到家。She was half an hour early for her next appointment.她提前了半个小时赶到了下一场约会的地点。He broke for the door, but the guards got there before he did.他向门口冲去,但是警卫先于他赶到了那里。We just made it to the hospital before the baby arrived.我们才赶到医院,婴儿就出生了。We got through the blizzards to the survivors.我们穿过暴风雪赶到幸存者所在的地方。Our landlord turned us out on the street.房东把我们赶到大街上。When Bill finally arrived, nearly an hour late, he got a rather cool reception.比尔终于赶到时差不多迟了一小时,受到了相当冷淡的接待。When the police arrived the burglars fled empty-handed.警察赶到时,窃贼两手空空地逃走了。On no account must the patient be moved until a doctor has arrived on the scene.在医生赶到之前,决不可移动病人。We'll be lucky if we make San Fernando by nightfall.我们天黑前能赶到圣费尔南多就算幸运了。We arrived to find the house in darkness.我们赶到时发现房子里一片漆黑。Come on, there's no time to lose, we have to get home before John finds out.赶快,没有时间耽搁了,我们必须在约翰发现之前赶到家。Firefighters rushed to the accident scene.消防员们迅速赶到事故现场。When the police came, Larry had him by the ear and was beating his head against the pavement.警方赶到时,拉里正揪着他的耳朵,把他的头往人行道上撞。People came from far and wide to visit the museum.人们从四面八方赶到这个博物馆参观。He was too sick to travel to his son's side.他病得厉害,不能赶到他儿子身边了。I called the police and they were on the scene within minutes.我打电话叫警察,他们很快就赶到了现场。The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.赶到前门时,我第一眼看到的就是被大火吞没的教堂。A paramedic ambulance crew went to the accident scene but were unable to save Mrs Wilson.一组急救护理人员赶到事故现场,但是没能救活威尔逊太太。I arrived bleary-eyed and rumpled.赶到时睡眼惺忪,头发蓬乱。An ambulance arrived at the crash site/scene within minutes.几分钟之内,救护车就赶到了撞车地点/现场。The horses were herded into the corral.这些马被赶到畜栏里。He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived.救护车赶到时他正疼得在地上大叫。The shopkeeper pressed the panic button and the police arrived in minutes.店主按下了紧急按钮,几分钟后警察赶到了。Michael was exiled to the kitchen for supper.迈克尔被赶到了厨房吃晚饭。The arrival of armed police made the students disperse.武装警察赶到,学生就散开了。She arrived with a party of helpers.她和一队帮手赶到了。Then the engines arrived and soused the burning houses.救火车随后赶到,把着火的房屋浇得湿透。There's still time for us to get to the cinema before the film starts.还有时间,我们能在电影开演之前赶到电影院。The fire was mushrooming under the ceiling when fire fighters arrived.消防队员赶到时火势正在天花板下迅速蔓延。Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture.每年夏天牧羊人都将羊群赶到牧场去。They ran away before the police came.警察赶到前他们就逃走了。It was touch-and-go whether the doctor would get there on time.医生是否能按时赶到很难说。The Queen rode to Dunbar and raised an army.女王骑马赶到邓巴,召集了一支军队。The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand.最后一次进攻将成千上万的人赶到了泰国。




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